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International exchanges

Learn here the requirements that foreign students, professors, and researchers must meet to apply to the international exchange programs of Universidad de Antioquia.

1. Academic exchanges for international students

Students from foreign institutions who have an agreement with Universidad de Antioquia have the possibility to attend one or two academic terms at the university, exempted from tuition. The courses that international students intend to study must be previously approved by the students’ home university. Upon their return, these courses will be recognized as part of their studies.

In accordance with Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, international students must enroll in at least five credits per term, equivalent to ten weekly hours. The tuition fees for the exchange programs depend on the terms of  each agreement.   

Students coming from Institutions with that do not have a  cooperation agreement with Universidad de Antioquia will have to fulfill all the requirements for exchange students. Thay will also have to pay a tuition fee determined by our University based on the number credits they will take. 

Requirements for the exchange program

The home university must submit the following documentation of their students in soft copy to movilidadinter@udea.edu.co, addressed to the International Affairs Office.

  1. To be enrolled in a university that has an agreement with Universidad de Antioquia. [See agreements]. Or To be enrolled in a university that has not an agreement with Universidad de Antioquia.

  2. To have a GPA equal to or higher than 3.5 in a 5.0 scale, certified by the official transcript.

  3. Common European Framework of Reference B1 or B2 language proficiency certificate, issued by an authorized institution.

  4. Letter of intend (in Spanish).

  5. Recommendation letter by a professor.

  6. Presentation letter from the home university.

  7. Copy of the passport ID page.

  8. Copy of the international health insurance (once the student is accepted).

  9. Exchange application form [Download form.]

Health Insurante

Foreign students accepted into Universidad de Antioquia must acquire an international health insurance plan valid in Colombia. It must be presented upon arrival to the institution and before enrolling in the corresponding academic term. The plan, in any event, must include repatriation. For students accepted into the Faculty of Medicine, the insurance plan must cover biological hazards.

We strongly suggest that the insurance adquired by the student guarantee direct payment for health services or medical interventions.

2. Research internship

The research internship is a type of academic mobility in which foreign researchers (students or professors) take part in a scientific activity at Universidad de Antioquia. A letter of acceptance by a tutor from Universidad de Antioquia is mandatory for this type of exchange.


  1. Identify—through research groups or contacts in the academic units—the person who will be your tutor during your stay in Universidad de Antioquia.

  1. Apply for the visa or corresponding permits depending on the activity to be performed.

  1. Fill out the exchange application form. [Download form.]

  1. Submit the following documents to the International Affairs Office in hard copy to Edificio de Extensión (Outreach Building), office 706, and in soft copy to movilidadinter@udea.edu.co.

  • Letter of acceptance indicating the dates, the research subject, and the name of the tutor at Universidad de Antioquia
  • Endorsement letter from the home university for your stay at Universidad de Antioquia
  • Exchange application form
  • Copy of your passport ID page
  • Copy of your health insurance valid in Colombia
Universidad de Antioquia | Vigilada Mineducación | Acreditación institucional hasta el 2022 | NIT 890980040-8
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