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Core competencies

Publicado 7 abr. 2015


Core competencies

Universidad de Antioquia is primarily a research-based university committed to excellence in teaching and extension/outreach education. Research and teaching are the pillars of the University’s academic principles and commitment and its core competencies.


Research is a cornerstone of our curriculums. Its purpose is to ensure proper knowledge production and seize technology to find effective solutions to the various problems of the region and the country.


Research-based teaching provides students with the knowledge and the skills they need to successfully complete their studies in accordance to the University’s ethical and academic standards. Our highly skilled and knowledgeable faculty members have the academic and ethical principles necessary to meet the demands of the students, the University and the community.


Extension is the bridge between the University and the community. It is conducted via a variety of continuing education programs and services in a range of areas and disciplines. These programs are designed and committed to the general wellness of the local community. Our extremely committed alumni play an essential role in the continued strength and success of extension activities.

Universidad de Antioquia | Vigilada Mineducación | Acreditación institucional hasta el 2022 | NIT 890980040-8
Recepción de correspondencia: calle 70 No. 52 - 21 | Apartado Aéreo 1226 | Dirección: calle 67 No. 53 - 108 | Horario de atención
Conmutador: [57 + 604] 219 8332 | Línea gratuita de atención al ciudadano: 018000 416384 | Fax: [57 + 604] 263 8282
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