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About the group

Publicado 26 ene. 2017


Our research focuses on understanding nano-biomolecular interaction and dynamics through the use of mathematical and computational methods that integrate simulations with experiments, such as optical spectroscopy and cryo-electron microscopy. We also contribute to the development of multiscale methods useful to simulate nano-bio systems. Such understanding aids the development of methods for the rational design of high-affinity binding molecules or proteins to target biomolecules to both cure and diagnosis of tropical diseases.


Olga Lopez Acevedo, Group Leader Max Planck Tandem Group in Biophysics of Tropical Diseases Universidad de Antioquia
Sede de Investigación Universitaria SIU, Torre 1, Oficina 312-1, Cl. 62 #52-59 Medellín, 050010, Colombia.
Mail: olga.lopeza@udea.edu.co
