As a group, we hope to contribute to our area of knowledge through the implementation of research projects that explore how the language used by the government, the media, language centers, and other actors, contributes to the discrimination of certain social groups in favor of others, and to the implementation and promotion of certain ideologies not only with respect to English but with respect to traditionally discriminated populations and groups (e.g., women, poor people, English teachers).
The general objective of the Translation Research Group is to promote translatological reflection by addressing practical and theoretical problems of translated texts and translations in process, both from the perspective of the results and processes’ analysis and from the pedagogical perspective. In recent years, our group has developed research projects where it has strengthened the line in theory and history of translation in Colombia, thus promoting the country´s cultural and historical heritage. From the bibliographic recovery of translated material, the creation of databases, research work on important bibliographic material such as newspapers and cultural and scientific magazines, among other methodological strategies, we have consolidated a material of great value for the study of the country´s cultural history. Likewise, reflection on literary and humanistic translation is a central component in our research work that is reflected in the production of translations, but also in the exercise of reflection and criticism on this important cultural practice.
Contribute to the development of society and culture at regional, national and international levels through research associated with language, culture and society studies.
The main purpose of the GIGP is to highlight and understand the complex relationships that are woven around the category of heritage from its very different sources and disciplines that address it as a social and cultural phenomenon. It seeks to explore, analyze and propose alternatives to contribute to the revaluation of cultural practices, and historical structures and objects, which can configure and transform practices and perceptions about oneself and others.
The group´s mission is to advance in the understanding and application of modeling with differential equations, therefore, we can address a wide variety of complex problems in various fields such as: exact sciences, natural, social and applied sciences; due to the versatility of these equations as a mathematical tool. Working interdisciplinarily and thus developing practical and analytical solutions that contribute to sustainable development, innovation and informed decision-making.
Some of the issues we face are climate change and environmental sustainability, epidemiology and public health, population and economic dynamics, energy and environment, atmospheric sciences and oceanography, transport and urban mobility, market dynamics and consumer behavior and, finally, complex system dynamics.
Belonging to the Faculty of Arts and the Institute of Philosophy, it is dedicated to the study, interpretation, research, research-creation of aesthetics, theories, critical pedagogy of art and deployment of artistic activity in the country and Latin America in line with global reflections and actions around this theme; its historical dynamics, practices and discourses that culturally configure it; the recovery and conservation of documentary and intellectual heritage about the arts.
It also manages and carries out projects and products of high theoretical and artistic quality and methodological rigor, committed to contemporary debates around art; it disseminates its results and supports undergraduate and postgraduate studies (Masters and PhD) in various areas in consortium with other government and private entities. It carries out the International Seminar on Art Theory; it belongs to local, national and international study networks to design and execute research projects, research-creation, exchanges, internships and peer-to-peer collaborations.
The Infrastructure Research Group works in the areas of Civil, Environmental, Sanitary and Materials Engineering. Its mission is to generate and apply knowledge in the lines of structural analysis, geology and geomorphology, geotechnics, transport, civil and sanitation infrastructure, as well as composite materials. Likewise, it seeks the training of undergraduate and graduate students in the solution of problems that involve the development of civil and sanitation infrastructure.
The research group on Foreign Language Teaching and Learning -EALE- will lead the theoretical and practical reflection on the presence of foreign languages in the initial and permanent training curricula of students and teachers in the region and the country. It will contribute to the development of the scientific community with national and international research and publications on foreign language acquisition processes and teacher training in this area. It will participate in the training of research teachers at the Master´s and Doctorate level to help acquiring the qualification of foreign language instruction policies in formal and non-formal education with national and international impact.
The strategic commitment of the group is to contribute to the training of young researchers, to produce knowledge in education, pedagogy and its epistemological and historical areas and to influence educational policies, in addition to working critically around the problems that relate the school, the teacher and, of course pedagogy, teaching and learning.
We are an interdisciplinary team of high-level professionals, with the ability to address complex production systems, adding value to the different stages of extractive processes, with high standards of quality, traceability and with the aim of generating value through innovation in products and processes, by contributing to the productive sector, with associative spirit, as well as high social and environmental commitment. We have as a reference the permanent design of adaptive solutions to the needs, scales and dimensions of the process, industry and community. We articulate the different local or national actors, in favor of the development of projects that provide solutions to the territories, from the engineering, social, environmental approaches and from the focus on the human being regarding health and the well-being factor.
The group formulates and develops basic and applied research projects in psychology and cognition. During the design and execution of projects, the training of researchers is a central axis that goes from the undergraduate to the doctoral level and is materialized through scientific publications, lectures at national and international events, scientific cooperation and the development of programs with social projection that promote practices based on research and the social appropriation of knowledge. The group's development horizon is aimed at consolidating itself locally, nationally and internationally, as an academic community of reference for the training of researchers and scientific production in psychology and cognition, with high standards of quality, productivity, disciplinary, interdisciplinary and social impact.
Develop the mechanisms for appropriation and generation of knowledge as well as the expertise that allow positioning the group at a current level of competence within the Industry and the Academia related to the Aeronautical and Space sectors. This will allow the ASTRA Group and the UdeA Aerospace Engineering program to be relevant actors in R+D+ I activities with a direct impact on the creation of companies with a defined actionwithin the development chain of the global aerospace industry.
The MME group founded in 1978 is an inter-institutional group that since its establishment has focused on basic and applied research in different aspects of mycology such as diagnosis, treatment, pathophysiology, and animal models. Currently, based on the experience gathered, the group has expanded its lines of research to the study of animal models applied in biomedical and biotechnological research in other infectious diseases and cancer. Likewise, the members of the group participate in the training of undergraduate and graduate students from different areas and the research results are presented both in specialized journals and media and to the community in general through programs of social appropriation of knowledge. Finally, our group maintains an open policy of leveraging infrastructure and human talent in the construction of interdisciplinary and inter-institutional proposals that contribute to improving the health of the region and the country.
Our mission is aimed at promoting the academic debate related to the theoretical and methodological problems of Social History, designing problems and research projects aligned with the lines of work of the group. For this, among our goals are building a space for academic discussion characterized by rigor, open-mindedness, and respect; that favors the creation of international networks allowing the circulation of academic information, participating in academic meetings organized by other institutions and hosting our own; promoting the comparative method in the studies of Social History and maintaining a system of publications that account for the production and trends studied.
The Fungal Phytopathology and Biotechnology Group (FITOBIOL) will develop research and outreach projects, as well as the provision of services to the external community, in areas related to plant health, as well as the use of biocontrollers for pests management and diseases of interest, incorporating new biotechnological tools for the development of such projects. It is expected to carry out both basic and applied research and, in that sense, the aim is to link some of the results of such projects with companies that allow their use in the field for the solution of the agricultural problem. The development of research and the provision of services to the community, will be carried out by teachers, undergraduate and graduate students of Universidad de Antioquia, as well as other national and international external people, after signing framework agreements for academic cooperation and confidentiality.
The Fungal Phytopathology and Biotechnology Group (FITOBIOL) will develop research and outreach projects, as well as the provision of services to the external community, in areas related to plant health, as well as the use of biocontrollers for pests management and diseases of interest, incorporating new biotechnological tools for the development of such projects. It is expected to carry out both basic and applied research and, in that sense, the aim is to link some of the results of such projects with companies that allow their use in the field for the solution of the agricultural problem. The development of research and the provision of services to the community, will be carried out by teachers, undergraduate and graduate students of Universidad de Antioquia, as well as other national and international external people, after signing framework agreements for academic cooperation and confidentiality.
The GIGA group aims to carry out from engineering and environmental sciences - supported in teaching – research and outreach in the environmental area that responds to the needs of global, regional, and local environmental management.
Mission: The Environmental Microbiology group seeks to generate knowledge through research to establish the relationship of microorganisms and larger organisms with the environment, whose purpose is to contribute to the care of the environment and the improvement of the quality of life of the human being.
Issues to be impacted:
Aerobiology in Colombia created the need to understand the importance of undertaking preventive measures against aeroallergens. To achieve this, it is necessary to carry out projects that allow identifying in the atmosphere (troposphere) the biological components: pollen, microorganisms, and the epidemiology of associated diseases. From the development, the growth of cities
and the increased demand for water and renewed aquatic systems, GMA carries out research and the application of new technologies in the processes of recovery of aquatic ecosystems based on studies of the Microbiology of Water, taking into account how microorganisms can play an important role in the production and balance of carbon, together with their biotechnological potential.
The ICAS Group works on the generation and transmission of knowledge and makes technological developments on the biological effect of nutritional, non-nutrient and antinutritional components of different food matrices, to contribute preventing and/or controlling chronic diseases such as cancer, obesity, diabetes. This group is committed to basic and applied research that integrates health sciences, food sciences and bioeconomy within the framework of the global (SDGs), national and Antioquia research agendas. The above is done through research projects, specialized advice, consultancies, continuing education, training of students and postdoctoral professionals and dissemination of knowledge in national and international media.
The group focuses its research on the search for compounds, whether of natural or synthetic origin, with promising biological activity that serve as candidates for the development of new drugs against parasitic diseases (such as leishmaniasis or Chagas disease) and against colorectal cancer. Several of our studies also focus on determining the pharmacological and preventive potential of plant extracts.
This interdisciplinary group aims to exploit the convergence of chemistry, biology and physics with nanotechnology to solve not only fundamental questions about the structure and biomolecular dynamics and rational design of peptides, proteins and molecules, but also to understand the molecules and parameters involved in the fertility and reproduction of mosquitoes; as well as the development of nano-bioassemblies for the diagnosis and intervention of diseases.
The group seeks to contribute to the theoretical and methodological development of journalism as a field for producing senses from the Latin American social and political scene. We aim to do so through pedagogical, research, and production exercises for creating journalistic narratives that enable the establishment of a dialog with the stories' protagonists.
Colombia is a pluriethnic and multicultural country: more than 60 indigenous languages, two creole languages, two sign languages (the Colombian Sign Language and the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Sign Language), and various local dialects of Spanish are spoken in the national territory. The Sociolinguistic Studies Group (GES) carries out fundamental research on grammatical structures that enable the development of didactic materials for teaching. It performs studies about linguistic change and variation phenomena within languages in order to contribute to the comprehension of language ability and its relation to the communities’ social and cultural dynamics. Furthermore, the group provides detailed diagnoses on the sociolinguistic situations of languages and dialects in our territory that can have a bearing on linguistic policies. Sociolinguistic, ethnolinguistic, and descriptive linguistic studies of the Colombian languages and dialects are the field of activity for the group’s research purposes.
The significant impacts of the ongoing environmental problems at the local and national level—evidenced by the deterioration of air quality, the low availability and quality of water, and the lack of sustainable solid waste management systems—have made it necessary to recognize, diagnose, monitor, predict, and manage the variables associated to the water, air, and waste resources. The eagerness of a group of professors affiliated with the Engineering Faculty to create the Environmental Monitoring and Research Group (G-LIMA) arises from the impacts mentioned above. Through the group, we seek to propose solutions to engineering issues in environmental management, based on the formulation, planning, and execution of projects that involve the three institutional foci of the University of Antioquia: Teaching, Research, and Outreach.
The group's primary goals include contributing to the development of research and training students and researchers in the environmental and sanitary domains. Thus, by coordinating university outreach and teaching, we seek scientific solutions to environmental issues related to our research areas in the local, national, and international environments.
We are a research group with broad capabilities to disseminate knowledge to the communities and transfer solutions to decision-makers such as governmental entities and environmental authorities. We put a lot of effort into improving the abilities of our members to lead projects and leverage their training level and role in the group toward proposing various activities, strategies, and actions that guarantee and maintain the relationship between academia and society and the real-world issues therein.
The Urgencies and Emergencies Research Group of Universidad de Antioquia’s Faculty of Medicine seeks to generate new knowledge and verifiable quality information as an input for decision making from the clinical levels of health policy administration, framed in the acknowledgment of the scientific community and research excellence. For this reason, we propose the following objectives:
1) To contribute toward improving quality in emergencies assistance;
2) To develop continuing education programs for physicians and health professionals, with an emphasis on emergencies;
3) To provide research training to medical students and emergency residents;
4) To evaluate the quality of health services provision in the emergencies area through a monitoring network;
5) To build models for assistance in emergencies that improve assistance quality;
6) To advice public and private bodies in defining, implementing, and monitoring such models.
Goal: To become a national referent in training, research, and advising in the emergencies area to improve health conditions and health services provision in the country.
The group’s goal is to contribute to the development of scientific research in health with a biological and social perspective, and to the training of undergraduate and postgraduate students through the execution of research projects. The public health problems we seek to impact are mainly those related to malaria, intestinal parasites (geohelminths in particular), and malnutrition in children. For this purpose, in addition to the knowledge about such problems, it is critical to recognize their epidemiological behavior and the relationships they have through the immunological processes. In the case of malaria, we explicitly focus on studying the issues related to pregnancy-associated malaria, such as gestational malaria (in the woman), placental malaria (in the placenta), and congenital malaria (in the product of pregnancy: in the neonate in utero).
CIG is a transdisciplinary group at Universidad de Antioquia devoted to generating knowledge and training human talent based on cancer research, thus impacting society through actions for the prevention and early detection of the disease. Its goals include generating and disseminating scientific knowledge on cancer prevention, strenghtening the academic and scientific capabilities of its members, transferring knowledge on cancer prevention to the community, and ensuring the satisfaction of users by providing timely and reliable services for preventing this disease.
The Faculty of Medicine’s GITTC provides research, academic, and outreach services. It is an advanced therapy and health biotechnology center which reflects values such as respect, social, environmental, and economic responsibility, ethics, leadership, transparency, confidentiality, honesty, mysticism, teamwork, trust, security, reliability, excellence in providing services, credibility, and coherence of thought, speech, and action. Our work is based on innovation, creativity, the transference of results to society, maintaining tight relationships with our public and private allies, collaboration and interdisciplinarity with the various participants in the science, technology, and innovation ecosystem, and the dissemination and appropriation of knowledge.
Our challenges center around increasing the uptake of vascular tissues and thus their distribution in the whole country and, if possible, in Latin America. We also focus on distributing our trademarked facial rejuvenation product (Fibroskin®) and developing new products for advanced therapies to guarantee the group’s sustainability. In addition, we seek to contribute to the consolidation of the country's science, technology, and innovation system through the training programs we offer at all levels.
The group undertakes research in basic physics and particularly in elementary particle physics and general relativity. We seek to deeply study physics beyond the Standard Model, both theoretically and experimentally, in order to solve great questions of contemporary physics that have implications on cosmology and astrophysics. Specifically, we study dark matter models (both theoretical and experimental), models beyond the Standard Model, and b quark physics. The experimental branch is dedicated to the CMS experiment of CERN’s LHC, and as part of it we carry out all of the experiment’s tasks, including Monte Carlo analysis, software development, experimental data analysis, and detector physics (encompassing electronics and data acquisition systems.) In addition, as part of our commitment to science in general, we continually engage in science dissemination and bibliometric studies.
To generate scientific knowledge that contributes to the solution of problems in the various areas of public health from social sciences, in accordance with the institutional values and excellence criteria that strengthen teaching and outreach at the Faculty, while contributing to regional, national, and international social transformation.
Problems that we address:
Growth, employment, and insurance in health.
Socioeconomic determining factors of health.
Determining factors of access to health services.
Health workforce labor conditions.
Costs and economic evaluation in health.
Trends in funding for health.
Environmental economy and health.
Solidarity economy and health.
Conceptual development of parenting as a result of the contributions of social and human sciences.
Parenting in populations whose rights have been violated.
Parenting, public health, and social justice.
Education on parenting in the context of the health sector.
The pedagogical foundation of education for health.
Didactics of education for health.
Intersector and transdisciplinary experiences in education for health.
Education for health in the theory and practice of public health.
To strengthen the academic training of the Clinical Epidemiology Academic Group through advanced training of the group’s members, journal clubs, reviews on clinical epidemiology and research protocols, participation in national and international clinical epidemiology seminars and conferences.
To promote critical and creative thinking and encourage clinical research among undergraduate and postgraduate students.
To promote clinical epidemiology continuing education programs for health professionals.
To produce knowledge on clinical epidemiology by carrying out research and publishing articles derived from such research.
At the Otorhinolaryngology research group, we promote the specialty’s development to improve the quality of life of patients suffering from otorhinolaryngological problems and the population in general. We employ systematic and relevant research as a pedagogical tool integrated with the daily practice of professionals in the area. We carry out relevant research to respond to the most prevalent otorhinolaryngological problems in our population and aim to improve the capabilities of all the entities that participate in prevention and treatment and rehabilitation of patients. The group’s members have a great social responsibility and are committed to disseminating results to various publics through scientific publications and communicative strategies for the social appropriation of knowledge.
The Somatic Culture research group aims to provide a wider view on the concept of body and its various presences in culture, such as representations, uses, and its meanings.
For this, we propose reviewing the concept through various dimensions such as: sexuality, education, health, biopolitics and citizenship, mobility, and aesthetics.
This has the goal of delving into the concept of body and understanding its scope beyond the merely biological aspects.
In order to develop these objectives, the group constantly strives to delve into such matters through research, teaching at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and the university’s outreach work.
Our goal is to promote and carry out clinical and epidemiologic research on children and teenager diseases. We wish to have an impact on the knowledge and comprehension of epilepsy in the region and the country, as well as autism, attention deficit disorder, complex child neurological diseases, neonatology, rheumatology, nephrology, and nutritional disorders.
To contribute to the knowledge and use of musical heritage from a perspective of social development and cultural exchange. To characterize the Indo and Afro music of Colombia; to analyze dynamics of cultural change of mestizo, urban and rural music expressions of the country; to analyze local musical cultural industries; to build educational dynamics while contributing to the development of regional music; to develop scientific-technical methods and tools for managing regional music archives; and explore interactions between Colombian regional music and dances.
The group contributes to the Colombian environmental policy and the policy to mitigate criminal incomes, understand structural conflicts, and make cities more inclusive, competitive and sustainable. It is developed through the evaluation of the social cost and the evaluation of the current market structures. We offer advice on large research programs about environmental risks associated with climate change, study on supply and demand determinants, proposals on more efficient incentive mechanisms, redesign, and consolidation of relevant sectors.
The MASO group's mission is to carry out scientific and formative research oriented to the knowledge of the relationship between society and nature based on multifactorial and critical analyzes in search of alternatives that contribute to improving the dignified life of the population with whom it interacts, builds, and appropriates knowledge. Based on this, it focuses its actions towards addressing issues related to the following areas: biological anthropology and nutritional health; the archeology; ecosystems and cultures; paleoecology; and, planning, citizenship and territory.
To be a leading transdisciplinary group in the study, production, and dissemination of relevant and quality knowledge within the framework of social policies in health, which contribute to its knowledge in the national and international contexts; It also contributes to the transformation of the living conditions of the populations, of health service, and the training of new researchers. This commitment is stimulated through the lines of research Living conditions and health, Health services and social response and Education as a social practice in the training of professionals in the health sector.
GeoR (GeoResearch International Group) is an interdisciplinary Research Group composed of researchers from applied, social and human sciences, who work in the fields of Geography, Geotechnics and Infrastructure, Environmental Management, and Territorial Development. Its mission is to promote university training and research, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the fields of Physical and Human Geography and Civil and Environmental Engineering with a human approach and an approach oriented towards sustainable, territorial, and social development with equity.
The Bioprocesses Research Group mission is to contribute to knowledge transfer and generation in the biotechnology area in an interdisciplinary and innovative research environment for creating human resources, social benefit, and productive application.
We aim to contribute to the improvement of education in the region at different levels and modalities. This is done through basic and applied studies with emphasis on educational action research and evaluative research. To this end, the group has configured the institutional educational project, evaluative research, the quality of education, and the didactics of reading and writing as basic lines.
To broaden the comprehensive framework of pedagogies, epistemes and policies based on the interaction and study of culture in relation to education, health, art, symbolic systems, gender, violence and teacher training.
To conduct own and intercultural research with people and groups from ethnic, rural, mestizo, urban, migrant, and diverse sexual and religious communities.
The research approach has been strengthened through omic studies and the use of different bioinformatic approaches, including transcriptomics (RNA-seq, microarrays), metabolomics (metabolic reconstruction from genome and transcriptome, metabolic flow analysis), and a minor approach to genomics (sequencing of mycobacterial genomes, possibility of exomic analysis).
To be able to understand the mechanisms of pathogenicity of different Mtb strains and the progression and severity of the disease
The group is committed to pertinent and high-quality research in the area of basic sciences with research areas in synthesis of new materials, characterization and structural determination. As a result, the group focuses its efforts on using those materials in the applied research area towards technological development and environmental decontamination. This is intended to supply environmental demands and the need to generate cutting-edge technology based on the search for materials with novel properties that can be used in different chemical processes.
The Regional Studies Group (GER) engages in research activities on human- and environmentally-sustainable socio-economic development that contribute to generating knowledge on the national and regional economic reality; they also promote professional formation and guide decision making in the field of public policies. By means of its researchers and expert advice, the GER aims to promote Colombia’s social and economic development oriented to inclusion and social equity, participatory and transparent government with an adequate territorial differentiation and a coherent achievement of productive competitiveness.
COMPHOR is a group in permanent training. Through the formulation, development, and evaluation of projects associated with research and extension in the fields of human development, the subject, work and organization, ethics and responsibility, and the management of organized work, it contributes to the transformation of organizational and social realities. This would not be possible without the synergy, capacities, and potential of students, graduates, and teachers.
To project itself within the guidelines of the public universities through research, teaching and community outreach. To educate undergraduate and graduate students, within the framework of development plans. To develop research projects highly relevant to the national and global environment. To aim at the education of an individual who is a transformer and researcher of his own reality, a producer of knowledge, and critical and reflective in the face of knowledge and the environment that surrounds him/her.
This group aims to consolidate the doctorate and master's programs in Animal Sciences at Universidad de Antioquia in order to have professionals with the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in the agricultural sector. Our goal is to create a school of agrarian thought combining the philosophy and technology of the sector for its development. We encourage research awareness in undergraduate and graduate students through a direct link to the projects and works carried out in the group, in association with the official and private sectors, according to the goals and proposals associated with the different productive chain activities involved.
Our mission is to be a well-known group and a benchmark in topics and research related to the social reality of food, with an understanding of food practices, culture and traditions in various territories, homes, and socio-cultural and age groups.
Training of undergraduate and graduate students in these topics.
The GIANH is committed to the creation, validation, and transmission of basic and applied knowledge of excellence. This is aimed to contribute to the solution of problems in food and human nutrition, through the development of research that generates social, scientific and innovative impact. In addition, its actions contribute to high quality research education of students. Its areas of interest include maternal and child food and nutrition, clinical nutrition, and food consumption.
Through the implementation of different strategies and lines of research, we generate knowledge and participate in scientific training concerning the problem of bacterial resistance from the concept of "one health" (human, animal, and environmental) as well as in the development of alternative therapies and in the study of biology, classification, and identification of important microorganisms for human health.
The group’s research work aims at the analysis of the cultural and territorial implications of violence, as well as the study of the transitional scenarios the country is currently experiencing, trying to contribute from academic reflection on issues such as memory, peace building, reparation, political transition, and the implementation of public policies that advance in the achievement of equity and that guarantee an adequate social and political insertion of the different actors and social movements.
The problems we are dealing with are related to the pedagogies of the art of living of and from the bodies, inside and outside of school. We renew certain educational languages to make human life present from the sensitive, emotions, body memory, body movement, difference, playfulness, and poetics. We are interested in knowing about the embodied and political experiences of the sensitive; exploring (hetero)didactics that relate knowledge and life, and (trans)formative Corporal Practices in a perspective of ethical and aesthetic formation of existence.
The Leisure, Motor Expressions, and Society Group aims to generate research and educational processes in the field of Leisure, Public Policies and Society and also to Physical Education, School, curriculum, and Welfare. This generates new knowledge that does not lose sight of the social dynamics of knowledge, profession, and organizational processes. In addition, the group seeks to project its work at the local, national and international level to create strategic relationships for knowledge production.
To contribute to the knowledge and use of musical heritage from a perspective of social development and cultural exchange. To characterize the Indo and Afro music of Colombia; to analyze dynamics of cultural change of mestizo, urban and rural music expressions of the country; to analyze local musical cultural industries; to build educational dynamics while contributing to the development of regional music; to develop scientific-technical methods and tools for managing regional music archives and explore interactions between Colombian regional music and dances.
We aim to consolidate the Unipluriversidad Group as a research community in Colombia and Latin America, positioning social pedagogy and popular education as a current discursive field for teachers and social educators. This is going to be done through the design, structuring and implementation of research, community outreach, teaching and dissemination projects of high social impact and academic excellence, research workshops, master's and doctoral programs, pedagogical internships, and educational seminars.
We are a scientific group that does basic and applied research, teaching, and community outreach through the development of projects in sexual health and reproductive biology. This is done to generate knowledge that is projected to society to contribute to the management of reproduction related processes. To fulfill this mission, the three lines of research within the group have been strengthened.
The group is dedicated to the study of cardiovascular diseases and their impact on the population, giving relevance to those diseases with the highest prevalence that rank among the top ten causes of mortality in Colombia. The work has not only been limited to research within the area but to develop intervention programs that change the panorama found after thoroughly studying some of the selected diseases defined as a strategic focus, managing to change the conditions in some of them, and extending the outcomes to the community.
The Health and Environment Research Group will develop research projects responding to the priority issues of public and environmental health with the aim of advancing in the academic, investigative and institutional development and thus dynamizing health and environmental management in intersectoral coordination. With the research, the group seeks to provide information scientifically and technologically supporting the formulation and application of new development models and public policies that allow the sustainable use of natural resources, the preservation of the ecological heritage, and the improvement of the health conditions and quality of life of the population in the local, departmental, regional, and national context.
Our goal is to contribute to the improvement of health conditions through research, teaching, and community outreach activities aimed at recognizing the most prevalent problems and proposing alternative solutions. This is intended from a critical-social vision that contributes to the analysis of the oral health-disease process in the context of our population. We aim to contribute to the formulation of public health policies and to the practice of odontology as a response to the needs of the population.
We research the living and health conditions of women from a gender perspective in order to transcend the biological scope and advance in the knowledge of the health-disease-death problem of women throughout the life cycle to substantiate the design of transformative healthcare proposals oriented towards social valuation of women as subjects in health. We work from an interdisciplinary perspective by linking the academic training of students of different levels of education for the promotion of women’s rights.
The group aims to promote research that allows the approach and understanding of problems related to the care, safety, and attention of people in situations of urgency, emergency, and disaster. This group seeks to present proposals for intervention and improvement of actions related to the care, safety and attention of individuals and communities as well.
GIPECS is formed by professors along with undergraduate and graduate students from various disciplines. This generates scientific knowledge related to the nursing care of life and health of people, which promotes the social appropriation of knowledge and social innovation in Health. The topics of study are health care, the aging population, informal caregivers, vulnerable populations, chronically ill patients, and the management and quality of care.
The Entomology Group from Universidad de Antioquia studies biological diversity. We have produced a reference collection, recognized both nationally and internationally, whose aim is to serve as an instrument for the training of thoughtful, responsible, and ethical researchers committed to contributing to national and institutional development. We also seek to contribute to social development through the protection and sustainable use of territories and natural resources.
We aim to promote the improvement of research activities in the context of the nuclear physics–computational physics interface, carried out at the Institute of Physics.
We aim to support a doctoral and master’s degree-level program in the Universidad de Antioquia Institute of Physics.
We aim to consolidate an alliance with a hospital or university-based nuclear medicine group, to promote nuclear medicine education and research.
We are willing to generate the appropriate conditions for creating a nuclear physics laboratory for research and education purposes.
To contribute to knowledge on Colombia’s microbiota by studying different ecosystems, especially unexplored ones, from the perspective of mycology. Thus, we seek to produce information related to Colombia’s microbiota taxonomy, biology, ecology (including periodicity, frequency, and fluctuations), uses, geographical distribution, among others. The information obtained is used to raise awareness in society with regard to the role played by fungi in the health, maintenance, sustainability, and conservation of various ecosystems.
To generate new knowledge in the field of Science Education through theoretical and applied research, taking the historical, philosophical, and sociological studies of sciences as theoretical reference. To contribute through research and undergraduate and postgraduate training to the consolidation of an academic community that assumes the problems of Science Education as an object of analysis, reflection, and innovation from a cultural perspective.
To train teacher-researchers with strengths in current research perspectives in Science Education (especially as it pertains to their reflection on their knowledge and own practices) and the critical use of ICT in science teaching and learning processes supported by epistemological, pedagogical, and didactic dimensions. To raise strategic alliances to another level in addressing environmental and sustainability issues, reflections on teaching and learning processes of scientific concepts, challenges, obstacles, and tensions faced by a science teacher when making use of Project-Based Learning.
We aim to contribute to the strengthening of the formation of higher education professors and trainee masters as researchers on higher education didactics, aesthetics, education, and geography, understood as areas that promote social, scientific, cultural, and artistic development. Therefore, we are interested in contributing to the creation of knowledge related to universitology, generally, and to higher education didactics, particularly, as well as to its appropriation by social agents.
Our vision is to promote a sensitive and respectful professional education based on contributions from the concepts of education, diversity, and inclusion. This way the education sector contributes creatively with solutions to situations of inequality, oppression, and exploitation which affect the sustainability and well-being of diverse communities today. This exercise is built on relationships of institutional cooperation.
Since its creation in 1997, the GECEM group has dedicated to support the education of teachers in the natural sciences area and the education of human scientific talent at the level of master's and doctoral degrees in natural sciences education and mathematics. Among the new fields of intervention, there is one related to education in museums and interactive centers. This field of intervention has done an outstanding work with museum institutions in the city and region.
The study of language in education has been an object of special attention in recent decades due to its complexity for both sociolinguists and pedagogues. The research group has an interest in studying socio-discursive codes, language development, linguistic competences, and didactics of literacy processes.
By 2025, the MATHEMA-FIEM group will be recognized nationally and internationally for its academic and social projection in mathematical education at different educational levels. This will be evidenced by the number of scientific publication and their reach around the places that the publications will affect , as well as by the spaces for community relations, collaborative work and leadership in processes of social appropriation of knowledge.
The group seeks to establish and promote collaborative, interdisciplinary relationships with national and international institutions to design and construct laboratory equipment for teaching and research purposes. The group aims to adapt, configure, and automate measuring instruments for their implementation in breadboard models, emphasizing the use of sensors, actuators, field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), microcontrollers, signal conditioning, and open software and hardware tools.
The group seeks to understand how scientific education can be improved by the conjoint use of alternative educational strategies based on problem solving and creativity development, CTSA (science, technology, society, and environment) and CSC (science–art–body) approaches, and contemporary optics such as using art for education in science and embodied cognition.
Additionally, we seek to delve into the contemporary theoretical presuppositions of scientific education aiming for a sensible reason-oriented education that moves away from instrumental reason and incorporates the integral being and its vitality for science teaching.
To contribute to the well-being and development of communities in the region and the country by building and implementing teaching, research and community outreach activities in the areas of education and health from an interdisciplinary approach. GEPIDH seeks to:
promote health care in individuals and communities for infectious diseases and health situations requiring hospitalization.
promote the entry, permanence and graduation of students in Higher Education.
strengthen the health education qualifications of professionals and other stakeholders.
IdentiGen provides specialized services on identification and genetic filiation in humans and delivers reliable and timely results with high quality standards and impartiality through coherent process operation. In addition, we work towards permanent qualification of human talent at the service of the laboratory. We develop and promote research activities based on interdisciplinarity and interinstitutionality. Problematic issues: Human rights.
The group focuses on consolidating projects in the analytical area and developing and validating analytical methods and analytical chemistry of food aroma.
We are a group from the School of Education that emerged in 2006 with the interest of generating spaces and processes for the understanding of the problems derived from the relationships between education, languages, aesthetic experience, teaching, narratives, discourses, subjectivities, and contexts. All of this stems from a critical and creative view of the educational reality and from an inter and transdisciplinary perspective. For the group, research education is an unfinished and dialogical process of understanding itself and the world inasmuch as it is assumed that research always educates and transforms.
The group addresses questions concerning plant biology, diversity, structure, and evolution of lineages and characters, allowing interaction among teachers, researchers, and students to generate scientific products with a high impact on the different research areas of botanics. The addressed research questions are framed in different topics, such as plant systematics, anatomy, ethnobotanics, bioprospecting, floristics, and inventories of diversity, biogeography, palynology, and reproductive biology of plants.
The group’s mission is to research factors related to sports training and administration, and physical activity for health. We try to solve problems related to motor learning, learning the technique, teaching tactics, developing conditional and coordinative abilities, efficiency of sports organizations, and influence of regular physical activity in health.
The group is focused on researching contemporary issues in ethics, as well as on strengthening the teaching and dissemination of knowledge in this field. The group is working on zoo ethics and environmental ethics, and the social appropriation of knowledge and ethics. The group expects to impact on the formation of researchers and educators in ethics; to strengthen interdisciplinary research on contemporary issues in the area and to generate discussion and awareness on some vital issues for our century.
The research proposal is presented by members of the Research Group in Political Philosophy -GIFP- (COL0005083 - Scienti-minciencias) and is part of the work and projects that the group has previously developed around the problems of the normative foundation of democracy. It also involves the problem of representation and the dynamics of globalization, peacebuilding, and the dynamics of war in the contemporary international system, as well as general issues of distributive justice, global justice, and transitional justice.
We are a team passionate about marketing. We intend to generate and transfer knowledge on the creation, communication, delivery, and exchange of high-value proposals for customers, consumers, stakeholders, and the society in general. IMARK’s academic and professional activity focuses on marketing strategies, brand experiences, services logic and co-creation of value for clients, loyalty dynamics, adaptation to technology, and resistance of individuals to innovation.
We are a human group that generates, disseminates and applies accounting knowledge to meet the needs of the region. Therefore, we work mainly in research and expert advice to meet the needs of business and governmental sectors. We intend to be a representative group of the accounting discipline and profession at a national and international level.
The group aims to make contributions by designing economic policies that help improve the quality and conditions of life of the Colombian population. The main cause of our difficulties is the high rotation of students from undergraduate and master’s degree programs, which has resulted in a low specialization level for these professionals. Additionally, we find the lack of statistical information—inaccessible to us due to various reasons— and, finally, the University’s lack of flexibility when negotiating and executing expert advice projects.
The group’s objective is to carry out studies on human knowledge within the framework of logic, philosophy, science, society, and culture. These developments are grouped together to strengthen them and without excluding the future possibility of their subdivision to achieve more specialized advances. The group is constituted to multiply the collaborative effects that can derive from the interaction between its members. This is due to the potential convergence between the different lines that, despite their particularities and specificities, can be organized into major themes. It is also created with a pretension of pluralism in terms of methods and objects.
To analyze factors that favor or affect life conditions of social groups. Multi-approach and participative methodologies for the construction of critical and inspiring knowledge. The Socio-environmental conflicts and dynamics research area studies political and socio-environmental phenomena related to economic projects. The geographies of development and welfare research area analyzes realities and conceptions of life conditions, and does research on diverse development expansions. Subjects addressed: health, poverty, inequity, vulnerability, welfare, development, and socio-environmental dynamics.
The purpose of the GIFi Group is to research, analyze and generate knowledge in finance to give solutions to social finance problems, which allows contributing to the development of the country in both organizational and scientific fields. These activities contribute to the continuous improvement of teaching skills and abilities as well as validation and transfer of knowledge in an attempt to positively impact society and markets.
We create knowledge that contributes to scientific development and capacity building in organizational management through research, knowledge transfer, and collaboration with national and international academic networks.
We improve the well-being and health by conducting comparative studies between humans and animals. We evaluate experimentation models, identify sentinel species and biomarkers of ecotoxicity. We research the role of stress in the development of the disease and conduct outreach activities. We manage resources with the artistic, productive and human health sectors, where we obtain feedback to guarantee the relevance of the activity. We are currently oriented towards technological development, entrepreneurship, and innovation, articulating art and science in a transdisciplinary manner.
CIBAV intends to implement diagnostic methods, perform epidemiological studies, and evaluate molecular-cellular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of different infectious agents of veterinary interest for public health. This is done to achieve the design of innovative and sustainable methods of management and control of diseases of infectious origin. Additionally, it aims to evaluate the factors that influence the teaching-learning process of veterinary anatomy. It also seeks to develop methodologies, models, and simulators that optimize the use of anatomical knowledge.
To conduct research in sexual health and cancer in different population groups: adolescents, women, victims of armed conflicts, indigenous people, and the HIV population under gender perspective, sexual rights, and educational strategies based on ICTs. Also, the group is aimed at developing research on cancers related to HPV infection: cervical, anal canal, oropharyngeal, and STIs, from the biomedical, epidemiological, public health, sociocultural, health services delivery, and PHC perspectives, with an emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention through qualitative and quantitative research methods.
The group offers solutions to social, industrial, and environmental problems related to the object of study of microbiology, from the perspective of sustainability.
The goal of this group is to carry out research on discourses and practices in the field of teaching and learning foreign languages in Colombia to expand our knowledge on the area, to propose educational innovations, and to impact the academic and linguistic policies in primary and middle school, undergraduate, and postgraduate programs, as well as in continuing education training programs for work and teaching. This way, we intend to establish a link between research and teaching/learning, and between the university and the community. We are focused on the following areas: professional development, curriculum, reading and writing, autonomy, linguistic policies, critical pedagogy, and evaluation. We are guided by values such as respect, democracy, cooperation, transparency, equity, critical conscience, and responsibility.
Vision: On the one hand, the group aims to position itself as the Colombian and Latin American axis of descriptive translation work and, on the other hand, as the leader in the creation and use of translation tools.
Professional aspects of translation.
Creation and use of new technologies for translation.
This interdisciplinary group aims to comprehend nature from various approaches. We study oceans, climate, and the environment from a general perspective; therefore, we address each of these components integrally and holistically. We focus on two research areas in the field of sea sciences: ecology and oceanography.
The fundamental purpose of the GDS Group is to address fundamental, applied and community outreach research projects in a comprehensive manner to implement models of sustainable development, whose implications go from agricultural production models in harmony with the social, economic and environmental context, to the contribution of the development of sustainable urban zones.
We carry out undergraduate and postgraduate research projects on Sea Sciences. - We deliver extension services in areas such as oceanography, ecology, and integrated management.
We organize and participate in regional, national, and international academic events on physical, chemical, biological, geological, and social oceanography. Through teaching and research, the group contributes to generating a “research culture.” It encourages awareness about the conservation, recovery, and sustainable use of natural resources in Colombia's coastal and maritime areas. The continuous development and strengthening of the group's research areas—and the strategies it proposes—contribute to its consolidation as a leading research group regionally.
GISMAC is a group focused on transdisciplinary and participatory research in marine, coastal, and continental environments. This group applies the social appropriation of knowledge to positively impact coastal and continental communities. By the year 2025, GISMAC will be recognized nationally as an advisory and consulting body on marine, limnological, and coastal issues for the Southern Caribbean region.
Aliados con el Planeta is an interdisciplinary research group whose aim is to develop teaching, research, and community outreach activities in the field of environmental sciences with the intention of proposing alternative solutions based on nature, so as to promote the transition towards sustainability.
The group seeks to promote teaching, research, outreach, and knowledge divulgation. These are essential activities for the education of undergraduate and graduate researchers on social sciences who specialize in the history of health and public health.
We are an interdisciplinary workgroup from Universidad de Antioquia’s National School of Public Health. Our mission is to investigate, develop, and innovate in health information systems by generating knowledge on its management, consolidation, and use to improve social and economic welfare.
To develop research that results in products applicable to the Colombian reality which are aligned with national and international guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health. All of these aim to directly impact the conditions and quality of life of the working population and the performance of the organizations (patient safety, musculoskeletal disorders, human errors, informal work, occupational diseases).
To generate and transfer knowledge related to the development and innovation of materials aimed at solving problems in the industry and at the technological and scientifical development of the country. Lines: Corrosion and protection, electroactive materials and electrochemistry, new materials, surface engineering, composite materials, biomaterials, solar energy.
We are dedicated to training, researching, and intervening in the mental health area from a perspective of public health and social justice. Our aim is to contribute to the population’s well-being through social and institutional transformation and through the optimization of design, implementation, and assessment of projects, programs, plans, and public policies within a context of cohesion, diversity, and cooperation.
To contribute to the improvement of the public health situation in the population, through the development and use of epidemiology for the training of researchers at master's and doctoral levels. The group focuses on public health problems included in their lines of research. Similarly, the research group has a tendency for an interdisciplinary perspective and a basis that generates collaborative work with other research groups and disciplines.
The Colombian Group of Research of Neuromuscular Diseases aims to contribute to the generation of new knowledge in neuromuscular diseases and related topics, through collaboration in international multicenter studies. The purpose is to improve the quality of life of patients affected by thediseases. Another of the purposes is to make available to the Colombian population the results, products and services derived from these investigations. Likewise, we are committed to education in neurosciences and medical research.
We research events and problems surrounding the dynamics and structure of human populations, their relationships with Public Health, determinants, and consequences. Our purpose is to provide information and knowledge to support the intervention and improvement of the welfare conditions and quality of life of the population, guided by principles of academic excellence, social responsibility of learning, multidisciplinarity, equality, and the correlation between research, teaching, and outreach.
We seek to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and implementation for translation, including diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of relevant diseases in Colombia (dengue and cancer). To do this, we used tools from molecular cell biology, virology, network and data science, organic chemistry, and computational biology. By definition, translational medicine attempts to translate findings from the laboratory to the bedside of the patient.
Our goal is to form a center of knowledge with a favorable environment for learning. This center will favor the academic development of the speciality and scientific exchange with related areas. All this will be carried out through clinical, social, basic, and applied research in Dermatology in order to contribute to the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliation of dermatological diseases.
The Health Policies and Management research group produces relevant knowledge concerning public and social policies, the right to health, social security, health systems, and administration and planning. It focuses on public health, seeking to offer comprehensive views and transforming proposals of the local, national, and global socio-sanitary reality. We aim to contribute to the formation of human talent in the different programs of the university and other academic institutions, as well as the establishment of networks and links with other groups and social actors. It is composed of an interdisciplinary group of researchers committed to academic excellence and social transformation with expertise in the different fields of academic-scientific work and development.
The EDUSALUD Group is an organizational research unit in the School of Medicine and the Universidad de Antioquia. The group is committed to the development of research and innovation with responsibility in the fulfillment of its duties, with a humanistic sense, ethical respect, and social service. In this sense, the group will develop the objective of higher education in health and will contribute with an interdisciplinary dialogue and knowledge for the visibility of the field of knowledge of higher education in health.
We carry out research with qualitative and quantitative methods that are socially relevant to the city of Medellin and the department of Antioquia. We work with undergraduate and graduate students of the Universidad de Antioquia, professionals, and people from social and community organizations and other universities in the city. We publish papers and/or lectures in Spanish and English. We produce a monthly virtual bulletin related to public health, mental health, and psychosocial topics. Furthermore, the group has an interest in publishing the works derived from national and international research and lectures in quotable scientific communication media.
Our group’s mission is to research rheumatology, especially systemic lupus erythematosus and primary vasculitis. It also aims to train specialists on rheumatology and carry out rheumatology-care related activities such as hospitalization and external consultancy. We also aim to create an autoimmunity laboratory in a conjoint effort with the School of Medicine’s GICIG (Cellular Immunology and Immunogenetics) group.
The group seeks to generate basic and applied scientific knowledge on various general subjects related to genetics and biotechnology, such as pain and human anthropology. Thus, the group aims to develop innovative proposals that are valuable enough to attract companies interested in their transference. Finally, as a result, the group expects to improve its research areas and further contribute to the training of new researchers.
The GENMOL research group has as its general purpose the identification of genetic variations of risk of non-communicable chronic diseases — called common — that have complex inheritance patterns involving many genes that interact with each other and environmental factors to reveal the disease, e.g. obesity, associated diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemias, hypertension, cancer, neurodegenerative, psychiatric and nervous system diseases, and infections, etc. In addition, two professors from the School of Medicine have joined the group to carry out research on bioactive substances for the treatment of these diseases using the genes (as targets) where the pathological variations have been identified.
The group is committed to scientific research and the integral education of its personnel. Additionally, it carries out and directs research projects whose knowledge products can be applied to the solution of odontology-related problems.
The CERES Group has the mission of generating and applying scientific and technological knowledge that contributes to improving the well-being of people through the design of processes and development of high value-added products as a result of the sustainable use of biodiversity and natural resources in agroindustrial processes.
The thematic axes of the PFA group are oriented towards process innovation by applying useful and interdisciplinary knowledge. This incorporates concepts, methods and techniques of engineering and bioengineering, management tools, good practices, environmental impact studies, and technical and economic feasibility. This, along with the social infrastructure of the country, contribute to provide solutions or alternatives for improving industrial competitiveness and regional and national connectivity.
To develop and deepen technological, biological, and/or clinical knowledge through research in the area of craniofacial growth and development, diagnosis and treatment of occlusal-cranial-facial disorders.
To stimulate the formation of high-quality human resources in the specific area of health.
To promote the recognition of research carried out in the postgraduate programs of the School of Odontology of the Universidad de Antioquia, within the scientific community at the local, national, and international levels.
To be a clinical research group in endocrinology and metabolism with the support of the basic sciences. This is done to promote research in undergraduate and graduate university programs and to develop reliable information systems that result in the knowledge of the entities in the area of specialization and in the best medical care for patients.
Our group aims to strengthen the field of pedagogical anthropology and general pedagogy, speculatively speaking. We are interested in delving into general didactics and how it is related to teaching in different disciplines. Additionally, we engage in research on childhood, school spaces, and narratives.
The group’s objective is to become research leaders with high methodological quality in Plastic Surgery at a national level, including the fields of action that constitute it: craniomaxillofacial surgery, hand surgery, reconstructive surgery, and aesthetic surgery.
The research group is a space for reflection and generation of knowledge dedicated to addressing human rights issues of freedom-deprived people in general from a socio-legal approach.
The “Power and New Subjectivities: Other Places of the Political” Group responds to the need to address political issues, problems and phenomena not registered in the conventional fields of political science or overlooked from traditional perspectives and disciplinary approaches to the social sciences. In this sense, issues and phenomena related to peace, feminism, decoloniality, other epistemologies, and new citizenships have been addressed from the work of researchers belonging to the group and the different research seedbeds it accompanies.
Our initiative seeks to consolidate itself as a group of excellence in Universidad de Antioquia with national and international projection in order to be acknowledged by our peers and our surroundings as a reference within our field of study. We intend to achieve this through development, adaptation, transformation, and transfer of relevant knowledge and technology at both national and international level.
Our mission is to positively impact the development of agricultural biotechnology in Colombia by stimulating the practical application of biotechnological research in relevant national issues, which will strengthen existing relationships held with research centers in both private and governmental sectors.
The group’s objective is to generate a positive impact on all levels of mathematics teaching. We aim to become a model in the use of computational tools and the resolution of mathematical problems, and, in so doing, we seek to enhance mathematical comprehension. Additionally, one of the group’s main objectives is to become a national model on the study, epistemology, and spreading of mathematical knowledge.
The group's mission is to conduct basic and applied research to understand the ecosystemic function of lowland forests (e.g. mangroves, wooded wetlands, riparian forests, dry forests, rainforests, and agro-ecosystems) in the Caribbean and Pacific regions, interacting with human systems at spatial scales ranging from the local landscape to planet Earth, in pursuit of socio-ecological resilience and public policy orientation. The main problems studied are 1) deforestation and conversion of forests to agricultural uses, 2) unplanned urban expansion, 3) conflicts in the environmental management of coastal areas and watersheds, and 4) legacies of the Colombian Armed Conflict.
Our group’s mission is to research the interaction of bacteria with plants and soils. by using the principles of evolutionary ecology of bacteria, we research basic and applied aspects for 1) control of phytopathogenic bacteria, and 2) the use of beneficial bacteria in the biocontrol of plant plagues and diseases and in the biofertilization of crops. thus, we seek to contribute to the construction of a sustainable and modern agriculture, and to the recovery of degraded soils in Colombia and the rest of the world.
Our group is looking to consolidate itself as a leader at a national level in four mammalian research areas, allowing a comprehensive collaboration with other researchers and their academic and professional interests. These lines include a) taxonomic diversity inventories, b) systematic and taxonomic studies, c) conservation and handling of species or focal groups, and d) ecology and natural history to describe interactions of species and groups within the environments they inhabit.
In the Biophysics Group, we use the tools of physics and mathematics along with computational models to study biological systems in general. Our short-term goal is to impact the areas of muscle electrophysiology, biophotonics, and cell membranes with new ideas and well-designed experiments and theoretical models that permit us to have a more comprehensive understanding of these systems.
The evolution and development in plants research group seeks to understand the genetic and morphological bases of the changes that plants undergo during their development. These changes include processes such as flowering and floral organs and fruit formation. From basic science, the group directly impacts the knowledge and improvement of productivity in ornamental plants and tropical crops.
Our goal is to offer a strong, coherent, and efficient mathematics education by means of which we can (1) meet the needs arising from the modern, globalized world and (2) improve the inclusion of our students in the various academic processes. By learning and teaching mathematics, it is possible to help students create and construct meanings of their own. It also helps them achieve a meaningful life by enabling them to negotiate, integrate, and comprehend the various messages related to socially-established values.
To study the ecological and evolutionary processes responsible for the adaptations present in vertebrates and how these adaptations can mediate with environment and history, establishing patterns in the geographical distribution of biodiversity. To examine questions over a wide range of spatio-temporal scales, including biotic interactions, geographic distribution, occupation and abundance patterns, co-evaluation, sexual selection, behavior, bioacoustics, evolution of characters, and conservation.
Our group tries to find the origin of the solution to many problems by studying the secondary metabolites of plants from different points of view and emphasizing three lines of work such as human pharmacology (antiviral studies), agricultural-type problems, and their use at industrial, anticancer, and cytotoxic level but emphasizing the search for antiparasitics (Leishmanicides, Trypanocides, and Antimalarials). Some of these bioactive molecules have been derivatized, and their accessibility has been made possible by organic synthesis.
Optics and Photonics Research Group (GOF) seeks to contribute to scientific knowledge on topics related to information digital and optical processing, coherence, holography, diffractive optics, optical metrology, visual optics, non-linear optics, and photonics. The GOF group will continue to be a leading group in areas such as optics and photonics nationally, and in the training of highly-trained scientific personnel. The group aims to maintain and strengthen its international future plans by means of agreements, academic exchanges, publications, and participation in congresses and courses.
Our purpose is to develop and apply practical and economical methods based on photochemical, sonochemical, or electrochemical processes to treat chemical and biological pollutants in water. Therefore, researching viability of technologies in a given context, assessing the mechanisms and routes of degradation of pollutants, identifying the by-products of degradation, and assessing the biodegradability and toxicity degree of waters before, during, and after treatment are of particular interest to us.
The group’s aim is to carry out basic and applied studies related to the development and adaptation of technologies for the rational and environmentally appropriate use of energy resources. We are constantly seeking to establish academic relationships with national and international institutions and companies. The group’s research areas are focused on: the chemical and energy valorization of fossil fuels, biomass, and waste; catalyst synthesis and carbon materials; and the reduction of the environmental impact caused by fossil fuel use.
The FACom Group is currently one of the groups with larger tradition within the Institute of Physics. It was established in 2005 by members of other Research Groups interested in developing research areas and topics in physics and astrophysics, mainly supported by computational sciences as a problem-solving tool. The Group has always been a multidisciplinary one, not only within physics and astrophysics but also in its relationship with other scientific disciplines, especially biology, earth and environmental sciences, and aerospace sciences.
To research multifunctional magnetic nanoparticles synthesis methods and applications in medicine and remediation of polluted water.
To improve studies on collection and characterization of thin films of various materials. To develop research related to the study of infectious diseases.
To advance towards the construction of Raman, Mössbauer, magnetic measurements and MOKE equipment, and a semi-industrial camera for hard coatings.
To research in simulation of magnetic materials. To study various types of materials by means of first-principles calculations.
The interdisciplinary GEM Group is committed to teaching, research, and community outreach of entomological aspects of diseases transmitted or caused by arthropods. Its purpose is to train professionals with critical, scientific, and human capacity, promoting research areas and innovative community outreach in basic and bio-ecoepidemiological aspects of arthropod-host-environment interlinkages based on its research areas.
The GRINMADE's mission is to generate useful scientific knowledge by promoting academic and human training in order to contribute to the solution of problems encountered in the community. GRINMADE contributes to the generation of knowledge in three areas: 1) prevention and treatment of chronic diseases through physical activity and exercise; 2) biomedical control of training; and 3) prevention and treatment of osteomuscular injuries related to the practice of physical activity, exercise and sport.
The mission of the research group is to promote and develop primary research by generating translational knowledge that allows clinical decision making to impact the well-being of the population, making use of innovative medical strategies that affect the quality, safety, and efficiency of medical care of the surgical patient.
INFORMED aims to become the academic leader in medical informatics in Colombia. Currently, we offer support to the School of Medicine of Universidad de Antioquia. The group has a course in the specific area in the School of Medicine of the university. We intend to spread teaching of medical informatics to each level of the areas of health. We work together with the laboratory of simulation of the School of Medicine and the LivingLab Telesalud of the University to develop new technological alternatives to medical teaching, training, and practice.
To study virulence, antigenicity, susceptibility to antifungal, and growth control of fungi through functional genomics. To optimize diagnostic methods and propose new methodologies for the identification of causal agents of cutaneous, subcutaneous and deep mycosis. To know the frequency, distribution and etiological agents of greatest impact in our environment. To determine fundamental aspects of the host-fungus interaction through the study of the innate immune response against endemic and opportunistic fungi.
The group’s mission is to train highly-qualified local researchers to develop high-quality academic competencies comparable to those of First World developed countries. A highly-qualified scientific community can be created by directly sharing—with local and international professors and scientists—the experiences and knowledge acquired by researchers throughout continuous years of research work.
The Gas Science and Technology and Efficient and Sensible Use of Energy Group (GASURE) focuses on research, technology development, staff training, and dissemination on the energy use of renewable and non-renewable fuels and sensible use of energy. With its research activities, the group contributes to reducing fuel consumption, optimizing industrial combustion and heating systems, staff training, increasing the competitiveness of the productive sectors, and improving occupational health.
The group focuses on applied research on the conversion of natural and renewable raw materials into products of commercial interest. It also stresses on the measurement and control of environmental quality parameters in water, air, and soil matrices. All of the above by taking into account the development of sustainable and efficient processes in the use of raw materials, energy, and natural resources. The group does research to obtain results with practical utility, for which technical and economic studies are made.
The Engineering and Society Research Group considers that engineering must contribute to face and solve the diverse challenges and problems that characterize our society, whether it is in public or in private contexts. As a group pertaining to the Department of Industrial Engineering, we recognize that the development of our potential contributions will be based on knowledge specific to our profession. We focus on two fundamental knowledge sources:
Social issues or challenges related to the production of goods and services in public or private contexts, and social issues or challenges related to Social Development.
Engineering research is promoted in the areas of technological and advanced ceramic materials in a search for impact on industry, academy, and society. We cooperate with companies to continue developing applied research projects, strengthening research areas to support master’s and doctoral training of researchers, and training processes in research seedbeds.
ALIADO (Analytics and Research for Decision Making) is a research group that, by using analytics and scientific examination, contributes to the making of strategic decisions in the industrial and the service delivery sectors.
We carry out research and development projects along the lines of research such as Embedded Systems, High-Performance Computing, Digital Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence, and Intelligent Cities and Territories.
The GAIA research group engages in interdisciplinary research formation, at both an undergraduate and a graduate level, focused on the comprehension of environmental dynamics. We use various channels for presenting our research results. The group provides laboratory and extension services, thus contributing to the solution of environmental issues.
The mission of the GIPIMME Group is to carry out research on topics related to the processing of materials, based on the human talent of its members and maintaining a leadership position in the university and national context through creative, scientific and relevant work.
The GIMEL group engages in research and expert advice activities aimed at scientific development and technological appropriation and innovation. Through its interdisciplinary approach, the group promotes an efficient management of thermic and electric energy. Additionally, its perspective on the phenomena it studies is characterized for being integrative and sustainable, and for its concern and respect for the natural, technical, and social environment. The group has a productive relationship with energy companies and, generally, with regional and national companies from the main productive sectors, as well as with the national system of science, technology, and innovation.
GITA group seeks to be an outstanding regional group in applied optics-related developments, communication systems modeling, and pattern analysis. We expect to have an impact on industries and the private sector by offering effective solutions for the specific problems that businesspeople and governments may have.
The Intercultural and Decolonial Studies Research Group is an active part of the social, political, cultural, and academic framework that is committed to the visibility of other thoughts, respect and empowering of other ways of life that have historically traced routes of intercultural dialogue and social transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean.
To consolidate research on the subjects of religiosity, spiritualities, and values. To demonstrate the importance of the study of religious phenomena in contemporary societies. To make visible the diversity of manifestations of religiosity, including those not commonly associated with institutionalized religions.
To contribute to the renewal of history as a discipline by designing and executing research projects through which historic and historiographic issues can be addressed from original perspectives in terms of methodology, theory, and knowledge sources.
To organize and carry out academic events where the historiographical debate is invigorated.
To offer research and expert advice services for public and private companies and institutions.
To design strategies that guarantee the publication (printed or electronic) of the research results obtained from the group members’ work.
The CCComposites group's mission is to promote research, development, and entrepreneurship in materials manufacturing and development in Colombia, contributing from basic science to applied engineering. In addition, it is willing to work towards planning multidisciplinary proposals that involve sustainable development based on the environment, economy, and community, in order to solve important issues through science and engineering. Therefore, education, dissemination, and appropriation of knowledge are an important part of the group's activities.
The group strives to promote environmental improvement through the use of catalytic methods to control emissions polluting gases and the development of environmental-friendly routes to obtain value-added products. To achieve that, the group carries out applied research projects and spreads knowledge through papers.
SIDCOP research group promotes, transmits, and applies knowledge so as to develop models and the simulation, analysis, optimization, and control of dynamic systems of great academic and industrial interest for chemical engineering. We do so by training highly qualified personnel, executing important projects, and providing academic extension services.
The Alternative Energy Group — GEA seeks to develop real, practical, and effective solutions to the optimal use of non-conventional renewable energy sources, such as biomass and solar, wind, hydraulic, and hydrokinetic energy through the integration of teaching, research, and community outreach activities. Additionally, the Group seeks to promote the training of high-level human resources that contribute to social welfare and economic competitiveness of the country.
The group’s mission is to generate, apply and transmit knowledge on topics related to biomaterials in order to satisfy the existent demand of professionals formed in this discipline. Our group is supported by and works together with well-known, experienced organizations and research centers, which guarantees its continuous strengthening and recognition both regionally and nationwide.
The aim of the Intelligent Information Systems Lab group (UdeA) is to contribute to technological development both regionally and nationwide in Colombia by generating knowledge and developing basic and applied research projects on information technology. We specialize in the development of information systems that incorporate cognitive components based on artificial intelligence techniques with the intention of generating high added-value innovative solutions that have a positive impact on the international academic community, on the work of other research groups, and on national companies.
Social Networks and Actors is an interdisciplinary research group linked to the School of Social and Human Sciences of Universidad de Antioquia that is focused on methodological developments, network analysis and dialogue with qualitative and quantitative methodologies in the areas of social studies of science and knowledge society, social capital and public policies, collective action, entrepreneurship, and historical memory.
The Technology in Pharmacy Regency Research Group (TRF) is committed to making scientific contributions to the assistance and administrative management of low-complexity pharmaceutical services, pharmaceutical product management, and the development of non-sterile extemporaneous preparations. Additionally, it promotes the adequate use of medicinal plants and alternative therapies.
The Veterinary Sciences Research Group (CENTAURO) aims to support scientific and technological development and the advance of Veterinary Sciences in Colombia through the creation, execution, and dissemination of research projects that respond to the solution of specific problems related to health and welfare of animals, prevention of transmission of diseases among animals, and prevention of zoonoses.
The GAMMA group is a basic and applied research group in the rural sector that trains undergraduate and graduate students. It manages research, development, and innovation projects in the agricultural and biodiversity sciences focused on economic, social, and environmental sustainability, within the concept of territoriality.
To design and implement interdisciplinary research on arts, technology, and society. To this end, the group seeks to carry out technical experimentation and conceptual reflection that facilitate the implementation of training, creation, and artistic projection processes. Furthermore, the group seeks to establish and/or join different work networks formed by members of various socio-cultural sectors such as educational, public and private, governmental institutions, collectives, and people interested in the group's topics.
We aim to conform and invigorate a set of learning strategies in the field of scenic and performing arts through which we can become a leading group in the research and development of master’s and doctoral degree-level programs in this area. Additionally, we seek to foster multidisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in favor of the development and innovation of scenic arts and their influence in social, cultural, economic, and political processes.
We aim to contribute to the development and qualification of formation, creation, production, and projection processes of scenic arts and performance (theater, dancing, circus, clown, performance, among others).
The MEQ research group is an academic space for formative participation and conceptual and procedural application of natural sciences teaching, particularly, basic-, medium-, and higher-level chemistry, based on the perspective of the theory of meaningful learning. We seek to generate spaces for the construction of knowledge within the classroom based on contextualized intervention and teacher professional development processes with the intention of contributing to a high-quality, integrative, and humanistic-oriented education that allows students to develop the skills that will allow them to socially interact with today’s and tomorrow’s complex and ever-changing world.
To identify the molecular and cellular mechanisms that are involved in cancer and regeneration processes in order to contribute to the transfer of knowledge and technology to develop regenerative medicine therapies for humans.
Our group is formed by researchers from various institutions and areas of knowledge. We are interested in studying an array of topics, such as the following: social, cultural, economic, political, and institutional configurations of knowledge and information flows. We also have an interest in the cycles of information in the setting of organizations, communications, and social networks. Additionally, we are interested in the knowledge of material and immaterial production information use as a tool for decision making and social transformation processes. The group has three research areas.
GIIESEN aims to become a group formed by researchers committed to activities such as teaching and research on health and nutrition. Additionally, the group seeks to promote interaction with national and international peers to produce new applicable knowledge so as to contribute to solving issues related to its fields of application of interest.
We aim to develop research that allows the updating, generation and dissemination of relevant scientific knowledge for the professional performance of the dietitian nutritionist. This is in order to benefit the diverse populations served in food and nutrition programs for communities, and thus to highlight the contribution of food and nutrition services to the promotion of health and good eating habits, to the prevention of diseases, and to the treatment of these in both clinical and institutional services.
Our research group is committed to studying nutrition- and food-related public problems. We intend to support the implementation, analysis, and assessment of public policies and other related interventions. In order to do this, the group works in the following research areas:
The Molecular Hematopathology Group (HEMO Group) of the School of Microbiology of the Universidad de Antioquia, through the study of the different blood components and the application of new technologies, proposes the development of research lines in the area of hematology. This is done to promote basic and applied research and, at the same time, to make the generation of knowledge and the formation of human resources possible at an undergraduate and graduate level. Strategic Lines: Physiology and Hematic Pathology: Alterations in hemostasis: Immunohematology and blood bank:
The Biotransformation Group uses biotechnology as a tool for developing new processes and products that respond to the needs of the industrial sector (cosmetics, food and pharmaceutical, among others) by conducting research projects and technological development and innovation, based on the biotechnological use of agroindustrial waste and by-products.
The Microbial Bioprocesses Group — Biomicro — is oriented towards training in research and generating new fundamental and applied knowledge through the use of microorganisms with potential application in processes involved in both the industry and the environment. Our projects aim to design, assess, and implement innovative strategies as an alternative solution to various pollution and waste management problems.
GeoLimna is an academic research group whose main activities relate to teaching, research and academic extension. The group addresses its objects of study through the perspective of the disciplines of Geography and Limnology in order to understand and solve environmental problems, especially those associated with hydric resources. On the basis of the spacialization and geographical interrelationships that it allows us to discover and the further modeling of hydric resources, we seek for these resources to be used and exploited in a sustainable manner.
We are an interdisciplinary group with teaching, research, and community outreach activities. Our mission is to develop and implement innovative research proposals and train professionals in basic and clinical aspects of immunology and related disciplines in order to apply them to the health care of Colombians affected by genetic defects of the immune system within a humanistic and scientific context of excellence in user-patient quality.
We are an interdisciplinary research group that belongs to the School of Medicine of the Universidad de Antioquia. We form human talent in research at graduate and postgraduate levels through the structuring and execution of research projects. Also, we contribute to the generation of knowledge focused on clinical and technological solutions in the area of cognitive neurosciences as well.
The mission of the Biotechnology Group of the Universidad de Antioquia is to strengthen the human capital training programs to a high-level (master’s, doctoral, and postdoctoral degree programs) through the development of high-level research on strategic regional, national, and world issues. Its aim is to improve quality of life and the sustainable development of the environment, in addition to the innovations in topics of current interest, with applied projects and technological developments with national and international productive sectors.
To improve the quality of life of the populations most at-risk of tropical diseases through epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention, and control. The group studies the molecular biology, genetics, and gene function of parasites and insects, trying to understand the molecular mechanisms of drug and insecticide resistance.
The group has the objective of investigating peptides with antimicrobial activity and peptides with activity against cancer cells. It also aims to purify proteins such as human BMP-2 for developing bone tissue, human IL-4, and IL-5 for building biosensors. The group uses chemical synthesis and recombinant DNA to obtain peptides and human proteins, correspondingly. The goal is to conduct primary research to understand antibacterial resistance, cancer physiology, tissue development, and cytokine detection.
The mission of the Studies in Law and Politics Group of the Universidad de Antioquia is to advance research proposals on topics that allow analysis from different theoretical and methodological approaches of problems in the field of legal knowledge.
To participate in academic discussions and research processes around the pedagogical field of foreign language teaching in general and the training of teachers in this specific knowledge for different particular contexts. The theoretical orientations that will characterize the projects presented by the group will be in the line of epistemological, sociological, psychological, and historical research, assumed as founding principles of pedagogy and specific didactics of foreign languages.
The group seeks to contribute to the analysis and improvement of academic productions and research on the main political and social phenomena occurring nationally, regionally, and locally, thus strengthening the Political Science undergraduate program from UdeA. Mainly, we aim to promote the construction of knowledge that enhances both institutional capabilities and the creation of public policies.
Conflictos, Violencias y Seguridad Humana (Conflict, Violence, and Human Security) is a research group that creates intervention and research projects in which both academic and community interests converge. Thus, the group seeks to make an interdisciplinary contribution to the production of knowledge on conflict, violence, and human security.
Since its origin, the group seeks to reflect and contribute to the conception of Law in the current social context, likewise, to the type of legal knowledge in our school. Its critical commitment was not explicit at times due to the academic practices which were framed inside liberal tradition curricula and study plans. This policy reproduced a formal knowledge and cultivated a lawyer to intervene in social conflicts primarily through reactive and individual litigation.
We, together with different communities, investigate the processes of language education from a critical perspective. We also seek to build knowledge, promote innovation, and influence the educational policies in contexts of basic education, higher education, and continuing education. Likewise, we look to understand or transform the processes of language teaching and learning in the context of curricula, pedagogical practice, and teacher and learner training, based on ideals of democracy and equity.
The “Colombia: tradiciones de la palabra” group has become established as a research group distinguished both nationally and internationally for formulating and carrying out research projects on the historic approach of Colombian Literature in a Latin American context.
The Communication, Journalism and Society research group studies social communication processes, including journalism understood as a form of representation and construction of life in society. It contributes to the theoretical, applied and methodological development of communications and journalism to promote the visibility of the role they play as processes that build society. And finally, it designs and executes research projects in the area of communications and journalism, taking into account their interrelations with other spheres of knowledge.
The mission of the Latin American Literature and Intellectual Culture Study Group of Universidad de Antioquia is to strengthen the different research areas of intellectual history, becoming a national and international research reference through the development of research in undergraduate (on the intellectual history seedbed), master, doctorate, and post doctorate programs.
The Literary Studies Group (GEL) focuses its work around interdisciplinary literary research in order to build products of new knowledge. The aim of these products is to generate scientific and social innovations, which will position literary studies at an international level.
To promote a collective work among students and professors of the School of Law and Political Sciences of Universidad de Antioquia and related national and international institutions in order to learn the structures of positive law. To propose normative models of institutions. To spark discussions and reflections around legal knowledge in a contemporary key, starting from its historical bases and an interdisciplinary perspective. Thereby, the objective is to produce knowledge that contributes to the identification, discussion and solutions of contemporary issues about law and politics understood as a cultural object.
To lead regional and national linguistic research projects in the different research areas. To supervise works and theses. To establish alliances and academic exchange with regional, national, and foreign linguistic research groups. To publish research results in recognized journals. To organize and participate in events for scientific dissemination and discussion. To manage internships for both students and teachers, participate in research and community outreach calls, train young researchers, and advise institutions.
The Contracampo group will continue to establish itself through 2024, both nationally and internationally, as a model for the production and socialization of specialized knowledge, thus operating as a leading and invigorating group for audiovisual research.
The Government, Institutions, and Transparency (GIT) Research Group contributes to the study, analysis, and dissemination of knowledge on issues associated with government, transparency, corruption, social control, and territorial planning and management from a sub-national perspective. The group conducts research and provides consulting and expert advice on these issues from theories and conceptual and methodological approaches to political science, accompanied by disciplines such as economics, law, and psychology.
The International Studies research group is projected as a space for reflection and research on international and global issues. Its goal is to contribute to the study of the international reality, and that of Colombia and to optimize its interaction with other members of the International Society, as well as to generate knowledge and contribute to the studies that are carried out in the areas that comprise the International Studies from and for the Global South.
We seek to quantify the magnitude of the pharmacodynamic parameters of generic antibiotics compared to the innovative ones to determine their therapeutic equivalence in vivo. We also focus on the etiological diagnosis of infectious diseases and the ethology of domestic species such as dogs.
We ensure excellence in the treatment, care and education of dermatological patients through basic and clinical research in dermatology. In addition, we work in search of new drugs of natural products with biological activity and basic and clinical mycology. This in order to contribute to the progress of the country through the generation of new knowledge with scientific and social value. Also, through the creation of new cooperation networks, the transference of knowledge through the training of new researchers, and the dissemination of knowledge and results to society.
By means of research, teaching and academic extension, the group produces scientific knowledge and contributes to the solution of immunovirological problems mainly in humans. The group’s cornerstone is basic and applied scientific research on immunovirology, a very important field for human and animal health, and for national economy. Immunovirology generates spaces for learning, exchanging ideas, showing respect for other people and institutions, and acquiring ethical values such as tolerance and peace; therefore, it contributes to the improvement of quality of life in Colombia.
We aim to produce knowledge on medical and rehabilitation conditions related to human functioning, limitation for activities, and restrictions for participation; additionally, we study the relationship between quality of life and health by using both quantitative and qualitative research methods.
We aim to develop research on topics related to the group’s research interests in the context of the human functioning theory proposed in the ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health). Managing and strengthening national and international rehabilitation scientific networks.
Our development plan for the next eight years aims to generate a positive impact on two general strategic points: increasing the generation and application of physiological and biochemical knowledge and forming high-level human resources.
The second part of our plan is to encourage the production and application of physiological and biochemical knowledge. These objectives will be accomplished by strengthening three lines of work, in which animal and human cellular models along with computational and theoretical approaches will be used:
The mission of the COMPRENDER group (Comprender Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales y Formación Ciudadana) of the Universidad de Antioquia is to develop research processes in the field of Social Sciences Didactics and Citizenship Education. These processes will guide and will be challenged by education processes and academic interaction with society. Our criteria are university autonomy and the understanding of the university as a public good that is due to social development from the dignity of the human condition.
The Political Studies Group develops research and training processes based on the interpretation of the processes of political transformation. These processes take place in the spheres of representation, society, and supranational interactions. In the case of Colombia, such transformations have been crossed by the persistence of the armed conflict and by initiatives for peace. Public institutions, political parties, and social organizations have responded to these initiatives through authoritarian and democratic strategies and practices. These are intermingled to produce a political order with the capacity to negotiate in the midst of disorder. Our commitment is oriented to the understanding of contexts of political transition from war to peace, in which new and old conflicts intersect with peace action. They are aimed at the resolution of historical problems of social injustice, as well as political and cultural exclusions.
The central objective of the HGC Group is to study the relationship between the forms of the exercise of power, the attempts at domination, the manifestations of resistance, as well as the wars and conflicts in Colombia. It also implies knowing the particularities, dynamics, and logic on which one tries to exercise hegemony in a given space. It also implies analyzing war and political conflicts in their multiple meanings, in their philosophical, theoretical and methodological conceptions; in their economic, historical, sociological and legal dimensions; as well as in their forms of territorial manifestation.
The group aims to generate knowledge on theoretical and practical problems related to artistic, cultural, communicative, political, educational, social, and spatial processes that have impacted the configuration and reconfiguration of regional development dynamics. Thus, the group seeks to identify, visualize, and communicate alternative solutions for problems and conflicts affecting the achievement of peace, equity, and social justice.
The Gender, Subjectivity, and Society [Género, Subjetividad y Sociedad] Group aims to become a leading group on gender studies and feminist research. It also seeks to promote research training based on feminist methodologies and epistemology in an effort from human and social sciences to articulate academia, political activism, and social action in the sociocultural context.
Finally, the group aims to impact university problems such as the ongoing existence of epistemic, sexual, and gender violence expressions at the university.
The mission of the Center for the Study of Opinion at the Universidad de Antioquia is to get to know and interpret the motivations and practices linked to socioeconomic, political, cultural, and academic realities that make up part of local, regional, or national situations, based on qualitative and quantitative studies.
The mission of the research group is based on its interest in the design of research, to promote the formulation of graduate and continuing education programs with a view to impact, through the graduates, in the institutions where they work and therefore in the communities. We aim to provide knowledge on various phenomena related to health and the understanding of the human being. This knowledge is grounded on an interdisciplinary perspective, taking into account the knowledge of the disciplines of the “psy” (psychology, psychoanalysis and psychiatry) and its articulation with other knowledge.
Nacer, from the Universidad de Antioquia, is a research, teaching, and community outreach group with emphasis on sexual, reproductive, and children's health. Through participatory construction processes and with a rights and equity approach. The group produces and disseminates knowledge. It also generates and adapts instruments, methodologies, and intervention models to contribute to the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. The specific groups we want to impact are women of reproductive age, children under 5, and adolescents.
To generate, verify, and disseminate knowledge at the scientific and clinical level directed towards the development of clinical and experimental allergology in the health and academic-scientific sectors. All of this is attained through the training and teaching of new researchers and through the design of programs and research projects in the clinical and immunogenetic areas of allergic diseases.
Our mission is to contribute with quality to the education of undergraduate and graduate students in the genetics field. Also, our mission is to develop research projects with efficiency, effectiveness and in the schedules established in the proposals themselves.
The group researches chronic inflammatory diseases. It uses animal models (mainly mice) of infectious chronic (e.g., cutaneous Leishmaniasis), allergic (e.g., allergic asthma), metabolic (such as atherosclerosis and diet-induced obesity), and autoimmune (such as multiple sclerosis and Psoriasis) inflammation. Such models are used to research basic aspects of the disease and as a platform for the preclinical development of vaccines, immunotherapies, and other measures of prophylactic and therapeutic interventions.
The Psychiatry Research Group will lead the studies on major psychiatric disorders with national and international recognition. The current lines of research in Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, and Antisocial Personality will be strengthened. In addition, new lines in Bioethics, Clinical Sexuality and early detection and care of psychiatric disorders in the children of the families participating in the research will be implemented. The group will continue to strengthen international relations with agreements that allow it to be at the forefront of the methods and techniques that are being used worldwide in the study of this type of disorders.
The group aims to produce critical knowledge that helps to comprehend socially produced territorialities that structure society and other spatial phenomena, such as places, bodies, landscapes, architecture, borders, and networks. In order to achieve this, the group makes theoretical contributions and implements participatory methodologies; it designs and implements educational and public policies on land-use and environmental planning, peace construction, political participation, cultural heritage management, collective memory, and geographies of knowledge.
To contribute to the development of physical activity for health in Colombia and the world through high quality and relevant research. These are some of its research areas and topics: physical conditioning for health, physical activity and sedentariness, healthy aging, and validation of instruments for the evaluation of physical activity. AFIS is a research group committed to high quality scientific development and social relevance. It aims to contribute to the resolution of health problems in different population groups through physical activity.
Based on the study of the phenomenological and hermeneutic traditions, the group aims to develop the research program of non-Cartesian cognitive sciences, also known as 4EA (embodied, embedded, enactive, extended and affective cognition). Additionally, the group seeks to generate new insights on the mind-body-world interface, and finally, to explore these perspectives' potential applications to health-related sciences, psychology, technical philosophy, ethics, and ecology.
The Parasitology Group is committed to teaching, research, and academic extension. Its aim is to form undergraduate and graduate students endowed with critical, scientific and human competencies in the field of parasitosis. Additionally, the group seeks to engage in innovative research on the basic and clinical aspects of parasites, which promotes scientific and technological development at the service of the community.
The Malaria Group is an academic team from the Universidad de Antioquia with the mission of generating scientific knowledge about Malaria, its environment and the health problems associated with this disease. Its goal is to seek solutions through Ecosystemic Studies and an interdisciplinary approach based on Quality Standards. Our activities include research, community outreach and teaching with an emphasis on the training of researchers while fulfilling the institutional missions of the university within a framework of ethics and social responsibility.
We generate solutions in human, animal, and plant health with quality standards and the support of curious professionals for excellence, leadership, development of the well-being of communities, and environmental sustainability through research, teaching, technological development, and innovation. We intend to impact prevention and control of tropical diseases and other clinical entities with an influence in public health, by developing therapeutic alternatives, vaccines, diagnostic tests, prevention measures, and training of human resources.
We aim to become the leading group in Latin America within the next five years in clinical and pharmacological research in topics such as economic evaluation of medicines and health technologies, respiratory diseases, and clinical toxicology.
The Psychodynamic Psychology group promotes research to generate knowledge from psychodynamic psychology. The group aims to engage in national and international collaborative work to acquire the capacity to manage research projects of social, clinical, and theoretical impact.
Our group’s work is based on an analytical attitude: listening and understanding the discourse by decomposing its elements and getting into its subsequent re-articulation and resignification. It is based on the concept of soul as an embodied culture, as the object of psychology: the human, the subject itself (individual, group or collective) is the effect of the encounter between the biological and the social institutions mediated by language; it is the expression of the dialectic between the cultural (spiritual) and the biological (carnal).
To advance the comprehension of the problems and creative manifestations of the youth and to evaluate ways for their intervention by studying the correlations between the ways in which adolescence is experienced on the one hand, and the socio-cultural context and the transformation of social connections on the other.
By generating scientific knowledge on sensory analysis and science, produced from research on food, beverages, natural products, cosmetics, and medications, we seek to make significant contributions to the academic, agro-food, and health sectors. In so doing, we aim to promote high-quality standards in sensory analysis both nationally and internationally.
We produce sensory profiles and sensory quality charts for cocoa and avocado—among other products—materials as an added value for national and international markets.
To provide fully characterized, developed, and designed prototypes of pharmaceutical dosage forms to the community based on the principle of using environmentally friendly processes.
The Toxinology, Therapeutic and Food Alternatives Group is committed to generating scientific knowledge on poisons of natural origin, their toxins, and their applications in order to find alternatives for treating and preventing the poisoning they cause. Additionally, it is committed to research on molecules or products of pharmaceutical, food-related, and agricultural interest.
We implement strategies for scientific education and the creation of knowledge on the valorization and sustainable use of our biodiversity. To achieve this, we use chemical and functional exploration, and we develop bioingredients that promote innovation in the pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic sectors.
Our group consists of professionals in chemistry, pharmaceutics, biology, and other closely related disciplines. It aims to develop research projects on the chemistry, biology, and biological activity of Colombian marine natural resources by establishing agreements and networks with other institutions and research groups.
We aim to constitute, along with other Colombian research groups, a research network on marine natural products.
We seek to participate in academic, scientific, and community outreach events.
Biopolimer develops technologies and products using nanotechnology and biotechnology for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, and environmental industry that impact and promote social development. We use nanotechnology to improve stability, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness. From the diversity of basidiomycete fungi of the white-rot in Colombia and its metabolites and ligninolytic enzymes, products of interest are obtained, such as beta-glucans. Besides, agroindustrial, forestry, and polymer waste are used, contributing to the resolution of environmental problems.
The BIOALI group seeks to develop research processes within the framework of technological transfers at an industrial and population level with emphasis on the concepts of global citizenship. In that sense, the group seeks to solve problems of food security, active packaging and bioactive properties determination, as well as food neo-formed contaminants and solutions to the food industry’s sub-products. All of this is aimed at impacting rural and urban vulnerable communities, but also the industrial sector, which are transversal in the Food Chain.
We seek to contribute to the development of silicon chemistry in each sector of society through generation and dissemination of new knowledge and establishment of industry partnerships. We also aim to study transport phenomena of environmental and industrial fluids in siliceous materials and other porous media using computational fluid dynamics.
Social Response in Health research group focuses on five research areas: public health, social security, gender, environmental health, grounded theory, and public health. It is a space created for the training of undergraduate and graduate students in research practices. Additionally, the group is engaged in various programs and projects through which it contributes to the social management of knowledge by working together with the communities.
Our focus is to contribute with the knowledge of the infectious agents related to cancer through basic and clinical scientific research, teaching, community outreach, and postulation of solutions in public health related to this field. This is based on a qualified team committed to the university community and the general public. The team’s principles are ethics, efficiency, inclusion, biodiversity, and social impact.
Our mission is to provide assistance, research and teaching services in Human Genetics. The Medical Genetics Unit (UGM) has a multidisciplinary group with adequate diagnostic aids and quality service in genetics, cytogenetics, and molecular biology. The study of cancer requires new genetic tests in order to use personalized medicines on these patients. The group requires national and international collaboration in order to establish the genomic medicine center at the Universidad de Antioquia and become a reference center at a local and national level.
The GES seeks to develop research, undergraduate and graduate training, and community outreach in the field of Health Economics. The group’s objectives are 1) to participate in the academic development of the discipline through permanent updating and the conservation of bonds with other universities and research centers, 2) to guide the teaching of Health Economics as a discipline of emphasis in Economics and as a part of training or specialization of other disciplines, 3) to train researchers for the continuous growth of this academic discipline 4) to develop research projects that contribute to the development of health systems, and 5) to disclose the acquired knowledge about theoretical topics of health economics and the development of health systems.
The mission of the EECO Group is to produce and use scientific knowledge in evolutionary ecology and population biology to contribute to decision making regarding the conservation of plant species. The Group implements research projects and monitors threatened species, carries out extinction risk assessments (red lists) of species and diagnoses to identify important areas for plant conservation, and designs and deploys conservation plans for species. This entire work contributes to national and international strategies for biodiversity conservation.