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Research Internships

Research internships are a form of academic mobility in which a researcher coming from a foreign institution participates in research activities at Universidad de Antioquia.

Those interested in this mobility type can apply during the entire academic year. This mobility type does not imply an enrollment process, and, therefore, it does not entail the payment of enrollment fees. However, expenses related to accommodation, transportation, visa, research, and other living expenses stipulated by the research group or agency hosting the internship are the responsibility of the visiting researcher.

Internship Application Process

  1. Identify the UdeA research group you want to establish contact with. In the following link, you will find information about all UdeA research groups, classified by the knowledge areas they belong to.

  2. Contact the appropriate researcher or research group coordinator at UdeA, and provide your contact information and a brief description of your academic training, your research experience and your motivation for doing your research internship at UdeA.

  3. If your internship is accepted by the research group at UdeA, please fill in the internship acceptance form in full with the help of the professor who would be your tutor at our university.

  4. Send the following documents 30 days before your internship begins to the e-mail address investigacioninter@udea.edu.co:

Once this information is received, the intern researcher will be sent an official letter of acceptance, addressed to the migratory services of Colombia, specifying the type of activity that will be carried out, the length of stay, and the type of migratory status with which the intern should enter the country.

One week before arriving at UdeA, the intern must send a copy of his/her international insurance policy with coverage in Colombia to the e-mail address investigcioninter@udea.edu.co. That policy must include medical care and treatment due to accident or illness, hospitalization, health and funeral repatriation, and all other provisions that are characteristic of international mobility. This requirement is mandatory. Furthermore, it is recommended that, before traveling to Colombia, the intern obtain the contact information of his/her insurance company -including care providers and telephone numbers- in the place where he/she will carry out his/her research activity.

Once the intern arrives in Colombia, he/she must present a copy of the passport page with the entry-to-Colombia stamp to the International Relations Office, Edificio de Extensión, Office 706. Once there, the intern must ask for the Coordinator of Scientific Cooperation.

Interns in health-related areas may need insurance coverage for other types of risks or situations. Relevant information will be provided as needed.

Consider the following:

  • Your academic activity will not be graded through the MARES system. Therefore, no certificate of grades will be issued to you.

  • You will not have access to an institutional e-mail account.

  • You are not allowed to directly lend books or other material from the university's library system, unless your tutor sends a letter to the system administrators in which he/she takes responsibility for the materials eventually borrowed by the intern.

  • None of the activities undertaken in the framework of a research internship may be remunerated.

  • No field trip may be made without the intern first acquiring a policy.


Juan Camilo Gaviria
Scientific Cooperation Advisor
Phone: (+ 57) 4 2198212

Universidad de Antioquia | Vigilada Mineducación | Acreditación institucional hasta el 2022 | NIT 890980040-8
Recepción de correspondencia: calle 70 No. 52 - 21 | Apartado Aéreo 1226 | Dirección: calle 67 No. 53 - 108 | Horario de atención
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