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El GIAE ha realizado publicaciones desde 1998 hasta el presente, en las cuales se estudia el desarrollo de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras en variados contextos. En revistas como Íkala, A Colombian Journal for Teachers of English, PROFILE, en boletines o simposios se encuentran algunas de las publicaciones del grupo.
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Usma, J., & Silva, E. (2016, June). Reforma a las licenciaturas en Colombia: Un llamado a su estudio. Alma Máter, p. 11. Medellin. | Después de varios meses de discusión en todo el país, el Ministerio de Educación Nacional oficializó la reforma a los programas de Licenciatura a partir de la publicación del Decreto 2450 de 2015, la Resolución 2041 de 2016, y la Circular 14 de 2016. Estas normas no solamente establecen las exigencias para la obtención, renovación o modificación del registro calificado de los programas de licenciatura en Colombia, sino que materializan una reforma estructural al sistema educativo a partir de la redefinición del tipo de docente que se debe formar en las universidades. Consultar aquí |
Pineda Hoyos, J. E., & Tamayo Cano, L. H. (2016). E-moderating and E-tivities: The Implementation of a Workshop to Develop Online Teaching Skills in In-service Teachers. PROFILE Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 18(1), 97–114. |
This paper reports the experience of implementing a teacher's professional development strategy that sought to foster e-moderator competencies among language faculty at a Colombian public university. The study aimed at finding the extent to which participants understood the concepts of e-moderation and e-tivities. We analyzed the participants' performance in three different tasks to give account of the incorporation of the concepts. The results from the analysis of the tasks showed that participants understand online processes, they have some technical skills and they have many personal characteristics that will help them become e-moderators. Consultar aquí. |
Bedoya, P., Valencia, L., & Montoya, J. (2015). Students’ Needs Analysis in an EFL Program for University Professors. HOW, A Colombian Journal for Teachers of English, 22(2), 11–36. |
This study sets out to investigate professors’ needs from an English as a foreign language program in a public university regarding demands, interests, and lacks based on the methodology of needs analysis. Data collected through a survey, focus groups, and individual interviews showed that professors need to meet the institutional language policy for contractual and academic reasons. Additionally, data revealed their desire to learn English to communicate in both academic and non-academic settings. Moreover, the lack of time and effective learning strategies were reported as comprising the main constraints for learning. Finally, the authors present the strengths and weaknesses of the program as well as the participants’ suggestions for curriculum restructuring. Consultar aquí. |
Willett, J., & Correa, D. (2014). On making language visible: Reciprocal learning in a professional development alliance. In J. F. Nagle (Ed.),English learner instruction through collaboration and inquiry in teacher education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. | With the passing of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act and the 2002 Massachusetts’ Law eliminating bilingual education (Willett & Rosenberger, 2005), overnight all educators in Massachusetts became responsible for the learning of the state’s English Learners. However, this was an enormous task that school districts were neither able to comply with nor ready to confront. With new federal funds available through Title III, many school districts turned to the universities for help in designing professional development programs with a focus on both raising teachers’ awareness about the language needed to construct and display knowledge in their content areas, and on teaching them how to make this language visible to their students. Consultar aquí. |
Pineda, D. (2014). The Feasibility of Assessing Teenagers’ Oral English Language Performance with a Rubric. PROFILE Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 16(1), 181–198. | This article reports the experience of a study group in a public university in Colombia, formed mostly by academic coordinators who worked in the design of assessment rubrics. Its focus is on the experience of the academic coordinator of the English program for teenagers, who concentrated on implementing the rubric to assess the students’ oral performance. The data collection instruments used were the rubric and interviews with the teachers and students. The results are related to the impact of the assessment rubrics on the program’s teachers regarding practicality. Consultar aquí. |
Echeverri, P., Arias, N., & Gómez, I. C. (2014). La Pedagogía Crítica en la Formación de Docentes de Inglés: La Experiencia de un Grupo de Estudio. Íkala, Revista de Lenguaje Y Cultura, 19(2), 167–181. | En este artículo presentamos los hallazgos de un estudio de caso cuyo propósito fue explorar a fondo la experiencia de un grupo de estudio sobre pedagogía crítica conformado por docentes de inglés provenientes de diversos contextos. Los datos nos permiten concluir que en las experiencias de formación docente no sólo se debe propender por el desarrollo de una mayor claridad teórica, sino también por el desarrollo de una conciencia crítica de sí mismo y del mundo, lo cual puede servir como base para idear posibilidades de una pedagogía humanizante en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de lenguas. Consultar aquí. |
Echeverri, P. (2014). Making Sense of Critical Pedagogy in L2 Education Through a Collaborative Study Group. PROFILE Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 16(2), 171–184. | In this article we discuss our experiences in the process of understanding critical pedagogy within an English teachers’ study group which was created for the purpose of learning how to teach language from a critical perspective. We particularly focus on the challenges of meaning making around critical pedagogy, as we realized that we were not all able to similarly enter this discourse. To illustrate our processes of understanding theory individually and collectively, some of the group members’ narratives are used as examples of our different perspectives. We argue that making sense of critical pedagogy, as part of a process of professional development, implies spaces and situations of personal confrontation with theory and support in collaborative learning through dialogue. Consultar aquí. |
Correa, D., Usma, J., & Montoya, J. (2014). El Programa nacional de bilingüismo: un estudio exploratorio en el departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. Íkala, Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura, 19(1), 101–116. | En este reporte de investigación se presentan los resultados obtenidos en un estudio exploratorio sobre la visión de algunos actores educativos con respecto a la forma en que el Programa Nacional de Bilingüismo se venía implementando en el Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. Los resultados del estudio sugieren que si bien los participantes de este estudio no tenían mucha información con relación al programa, sí tenían mucho que decir con respecto a lasacciones que el Gobierno había puesto en marcha para su implementación en Antioquia y sobre cómo lograr que estas pudieran contribuir de manera más efectiva y eficaz al desarrollo de los objetivos de la política. Consultar aquí. |
Correa, D., & Domínguez, C. (2014). Using SFL as a Tool for Analyzing Students’ Narratives. HOW, A Colombian Journal for Teachers of English,21(2), 112–133. | Traditionally, at universities, English as a foreign language instructors have used a series of approaches to teach students how to write academic texts in English from both teacher preparation and regular programs. In spite of this, students continue to have problems writing the academic texts required of them in the different courses. Concerned with this issue, a group of English as a Foreign Language writing instructors from a Teacher Education Program in Medellín engaged in the study of Systemic Functional Linguistics. The purpose of this article is to report the insights that one of these instructors gained once he began using these theories to analyze a narrative text produced by one of the students in his class. Consultar aquí. |
Bedoya, P. (2014). The Exercise of Learner Autonomy in a Virtual EFL Course in Colombia. HOW, A Colombian Journal for Teachers of English,21(1), 82–102. | This case study explores how a group of graduate students manifest autonomy in an English as a Foreign Language virtual course at a Colombian university. Analysis of questionnaires, forums, and interviews showed that students manifested attitudes that led to autonomy such as motivation and commitment at the beginning of the course, but they also manifested high levels of dependence and lack of self-confidence. Later, they became more confident and performed more independently, two attitudes closely-related to autonomy. Furthermore, the results show that factors such as course design, the platform, and the teacher’s role influenced the students’ exercise of autonomy. Finally, the need for designing virtual English as a Foreign Language courses that promote autonomous learning and the teachers’ and the students’ roles in virtual environments are discussed. Consultar aquí. |
Picón, E. (2013b). What are the Grammar Rules that Govern the Subjunctive in English? Mutatis Mutandis: Revista Latinoamericana de Traducción, 6(1), 227–234. | In this paper I intend to walk the reader through some historical changes in form and usage of the English subjunctive mood. Main different changes in time are spotted beginning in Old English, going through Modern English, and finally arriving to Contemporary English. As a conclusion, we can verify the changing nature of language and accept usage and simplicity as the only factors that mandate what is to be considered pragmatically proper or not in a language. This paper might be of usefulness for both translators and English teachers. Consultar aquí. |
Picón, E. (2013a). La rúbrica y la justicia en la evaluación. Íkala, Revista de Lenguaje Y Cultura, 18(3), 79–94. | En este artículo se sustenta la tesis de que la utilización de rúbricas consensuadas garantiza en gran medida la promoción de prácticas evaluativas justas. Esta aseveración se basa en el argumento de que la creación y aplicación de rúbricas incrementa la validez y la transparencia en la evaluación, a la par que su diseño consensuado promueve la democracia, posibilita el impacto positivo en el aprendizaje o efecto washback y facilita prácticas equitativas —siendo todos estos principios inherentes a la justicia. Se enfatiza en un concepto de rúbrica que integra una tarea auténtica y su escala de valoración, como procedimiento de evaluación alternativa, dentro de un enfoque crítico.Consultar aquí. |
Correa, D., & Usma, J. (2013). From a Bureaucratic to a Critical-Sociocultural Model of Policymaking in Colombia. HOW, A Colombian Journal for Teachers of English, 20(1), 226–242. | In the context of the National Bilingual Program 2004-2019, currently called “Program for Strengthening the Development of Competencies in a Foreign Language,” the Colombian government has implemented a series of actions to raise the level of English proficiency of teachers and students and insert the country into globalization processes. The purpose of this article, which is the result of a project conducted by the authors in Antioquia (Colombia) about the stakeholders’ views of the program, is to show how these actions fit a bureaucratic policymaking model which has been highly questioned by policy experts and to propose a new model which can be used to make deep changes in the program with the participation of all stakeholders. Consultar aquí. |
Restrepo, E. (2012). La política lingüística de certificación de la competencia en lengua extranjera en la Universidad de Antioquia: Un análisis desde el discurso. Íkala, Revista de Lenguaje Y Cultura, 17(1), 27–44. | En este artículo se examinan algunos discursos sobre la Política Lingüística de Certificación de la Competencia en Lengua Extranjera (PL de CCLE) en la Universidad de Antioquia, con el fin de analizar las apreciaciones, percepciones y posiciones desde el tipo de discurso de algunos sujetos que administran la política en cuanto a lo que esta decreta y significa. El artículo presenta una aproximación metodológica basada en el análisis crítico del discurso para el tratamiento del tema a través de algunos textos tomados del corpus documental constituido por 1) treinta entrevistas semiestructuradas aplicadas al grupo que administra la política, a estudiantes de posgrado, a profesionales y a docentes que han tenido que cumplir con el requisito de certificación; y por 2) los acuerdos académicos y resoluciones rectorales que sustentan la política oficial. El análisis permite identificar las representaciones sobre la PL de CCLE de quienes la administran, además devela cómo desde este tipo de discurso se naturaliza y se legitima el requisito de certificación y cómo tal requisito opera como mecanismo para el cumplimiento de la política, adquiriendo un papel protagónico. Requisito que genera resistencia frente a la política lingüística y no tanto así la asumida importancia de la adquisición de la competencia en lengua extranjera. Consultar aquí. |
Picón, E. (2012). Promoting Learner Autonomy Through Teacher-Student Partnership Assessment in an American High School: A Cycle of Action Research. PROFILE Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 14(2), 145–162. | In this article I present some findings of an action research study intended to find out to what extent a teacher-student partnership in writing assessment could promote high school students’ autonomy. The study was conducted in a U.S. school. Two main action strategies in the assessment process were the use of symbols as the form of feedback and the design of a rubric containing criteria negotiated with the students as the scoring method. Results showed that the students developed some autonomy reflected in three dimensions: ownership of their learning process, metacognition, and critical thinking, which positively influenced an enhancement of their writing skills in both English and Spanish. Likewise, the role of the teacher was found to be paramount to set appropriate conditions for the students’ development of autonomy. Consultar aquí. |
Cañas, N., Ardila, M., & Becerra, L. (2012). Maestro, traductor y tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la Escuela de Idiomas de la Universidad de Antioquia: Realidades y retos. Íkala, Revista de Lenguaje Y Cultura, 17(1), 61–79. | Esta investigación cualitativa, de corte exploratorio y descriptivo, fue realizada a través de observaciones de clase y entrevistas a profesores y estudiantes. Ella nos permitió caracterizar el uso de las TICE en el proceso de adquisición de la lengua, su papel en los aspectos de la flexibilización curricular y las potencialidades subutilizadas en el contexto. Concluimos que el uso que los actores hacen de Internet favorece el desarrollo de las competencias lingüísticas; además, que se asiste a una transición en la profesión y la mentalidad de los profesores. Sin embargo, la formación, el trabajo colaborativo y la investigación son urgentes para que se reduzcan los problemas de subutilización del recurso. Asimismo, proponemos que la introducción de las TICE se aborde como una innovación curricular y no meramente como una innovación tecnológica. Consultar aquí. |
Arias, C., Maturana, L., & Restrepo, M. (2012). Evaluación de los aprendizajes en lenguas extranjeras: hacia prácticas justas y democráticas.Lenguaje, 40(1), 99–126. | La falta de coherencia encontrada entre la evaluación y la promoción en lenguas extranjeras se abordó en esta investigación-acción interinstitucional con la consolidación de un Sistema consensuado de Evaluación. La implementación de dicho Sistema en cursos de inglés para principiantes en tres programas de extensión para adultos, demostró que la variedad de tipos y formas de evaluación, la rigurosidad y la sistematicidad, y el diseño meticuloso de instrumentos, formatos y tareas de evaluación, transforman las prácticas evaluativas en justas y democráticas, y benefician a estudiantes, profesores e instituciones. Consultar aquí. |
McIntyre, J., & Echeverri, P. (2011). A national survey of professional development schools. In J. Nath, I. Guadarrama, & J. Ramsey (Eds.),Investigating University-School Partnerships (pp. 49–61). Information Age Publishing, Inc. | Investigating University-School Partnerships: A Volume in Professional Development School Research, the fourth book in the PDS Research Series developed by the same editors, includes a collection of organized papers that represent the best and latest examples of practitioner thinking, research, and program design and evaluation in the field at the national level. A wide variety of authors from the professional community of PDS researchers, practitioners, and other stakeholders engage the reader in research or case studies that foreground real-life, authentic contexts, which, in turn, are designed to generate and fashion more questions and ideas. The volumeâ s contents of 26 chapters is divided into five areas: (1) PDS Evaluation (2) Teacher Research and Inquiry, (3) PDS Stakeholdersâ Studies, (4) Studies for Thought â Ideas for Development, and (5) Teaching Content Areas in PDSs. As a whole, the volume of papers maintains a consistency within a cohesive undercurrent that illustrates the spirited and visionary purpose of professional development schools to advance educational reform that leads to substantive change. Consultar aquí. |
Frodden, C., & McNulty, M. (2011). A new look at suprasegmentals. Íkala, Revista de Lenguaje Y Cultura, 1(1 (1-2)), 101–116. | The communicative method has been criticized because in stressing the negotiation of meaning and the speakers intentions, accuracy has become a minor goal. Accuracy implies attention to form, for example, correct grammar and correct style, vocabulary and pronunciation It is true that we can communicate even though we make these kinds of errors, however, too many mistakes may hinder comprehension. Good pronunciation should be a goal in any course that attempts at communicating effectively. Kenworthy is right when she states that "a person may eventually understand what someone has said, but if this has involved too much frustration and irritation resulting from constant repetitions, rephrasings, or checks on what has been said (i.e. too much pain') then the communication cannot be described as efficient" (1992,16). Consultar aquí. |