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domingo, 28 de abril 2024

Research group


Intercultural and Decolonial Studies

Academic Unit: Faculty of Social and Human Sciences

Colombian Ministry of Science








Social sciences


Other social sciences

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Strategic Focus

The Intercultural and Decolonial Studies Research Group is an active part of the social, political, cultural, and academic framework that is committed to the visibility of other thoughts, respect and empowering of other ways of life that have historically traced routes of intercultural dialogue and social transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Research Areas and Topics

  • Good living.
  • Human and social diversities.
  • Territory.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Group Coordinator

Rubby Esperanza Gómez Hernández, Ph.D.

Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies.

Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia.

Group Coordinator Email


Research Group Email


Scientific Cooperation

Collaborative Relationships

  • Intercultural and Decolonial Studies Research Group (EID) alliance with the Colombian Biomass Energy Network — BioCol.
  • EID alliance with Cinturón Occidental Ambiental — COA.
  • EID alliance with the National Network of Afrodescendant Kambirí Women.
  • EID alliance with the Presencia Nasa Network.
  • EID alliance with the National Fabric of Intercultural and Decolonial Social Work.
  • EID alliance with the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Decolonial and Intercultural Social Work.

Notable Projects

  • Intercultural Social Work from versions of subjects and the social in university training and research and professional exercise with social diversities in Antioquia. - Main researcher: Rubby Esperanza Gómez Hernández.
  • Paz(es) "otras" para construir la paz en Colombia. (Peace(s) “others” to construct peace in Colombia.) - Main researcher: Gerardo Vásquez Arenas.

Main Research Results

  • Decolonialidad en lo Social. Apuntes desde Trabajo Social. (Social Decolonized. Social Work notes.) ConCienciaSocial Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, pages: 140-154. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/ConCienciaSocial/article/view/21593/21418
  • Crítica a la inclusión social desde trabajo social intercultural y decolonial. (A critique of social inclusion from an intercultural and decolonial Social Work perspective.) Universidad Central de Chile: Rumbosts. Vol. 17, pages: 11-22. http://revistafacso.ucentral.cl/index.php/rumbos/article/view/16
  • Un viaje ancestral: mujeres afrocolombianas, indígenas y campesinas del valle de aburrá en diálogo de saberes intercultural. (An ancestral journey: African-Colombian, indigenous and peasant women of the Aburrá’s Valley in intercultural knowledge dialogue.) Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana: Ratio Juris, vol. 13, num. 26. Pag: 215-230. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24142/raju.v13n26a10

Research Portafolio

  • Expert advice to state organisms on intercultural methodologies with ethnic, rural, urban, and sociocultural diversities in general.
  • Expert advice and guidance to sociocultural diversities from intercultural methodologies for co-production of situated knowledge.
  • Conducting research using intercultural methodologies.

More Information


Universidad de Antioquia | Vigilada Mineducación | Acreditación institucional hasta el 2033 | NIT 890980040-8
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