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martes, 16 de abril 2024

Research group


Translation and New Technologies TNT

Academic Unit: School of Languages

Colombian Ministry of Science










Languages and literature

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Strategic Focus

Vision: On the one hand, the group aims to position itself as the Colombian and Latin American axis of descriptive translation work and, on the other hand, as the leader in the creation and use of translation tools.

Professional aspects of translation.

Creation and use of new technologies for translation.

Linguistic description of specialized languages.

Didactics and translation.

Phraseology and translation.

Corpus linguistics.

Natural language processing.


Research Areas and Topics

  • Professional aspects of translation.
  • Creation and use of new technologies for translation.
  • Linguistic description of specialized languages.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Group Coordinator

Gabriel Ángel Quiroz Herrera, Ph.D.

Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics.

Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Spain.

Group Coordinator Email


Scientific Cooperation

Collaborative Relationships

  • IULA — Universidad Pompeu Fabra.
  • Star AG — Barcelona headquarters.
  • Interpreting and Translation Studies — Wake Forest University.
  • University of Bergen.

Notable Projects

  • Horizontal and vertical terminological variation in Spanish: Towards a linguistic description of terminological units from corpus linguistics.
  • A Neo-institutionalist Study from The Sociology of The Professions to The Current Situation of Sworn Translators and Interpreters in Colombia.
  • Poverty, language, and media in Latin America: The cases of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico (PoLaMe).
  • Implementation of a machine learning model for sentiment analysis in press articles about poverty in Colombia.

Main Research Results

  • Pobreza, Lenguaje y Medios en América Latina. Los Casos de Argentina, Brasil, Colombia y México. (Poverty, Language, and Media — The Cases of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico.) (2017). Peter Lang Verlag, Pages: 362.
  • LSP In Colombia: Advances and Challenges. (2014) Peter Lang Verlag, Pages: 339
  • Corpus TNT (2013-2020). [online]. Medellin: TNT Research Group, School of Languages, Universidad de Antioquia.
  • [http://grupotnt.udea.edu.co/corpustnt].
  • CLEC (2018-2020). [online]. Medellin: Victoria Pardo and TNT Research Group, School of Languages, Universidad de Antioquia. [http://grupotnt.udea.edu.co/CLEC].

Research Portafolio

  • Software development for NLP, translation, and linguistics.
  • Undergraduate and postgraduate courses for NLP, translation, and linguistics.
  • Expert advice on NLP projects, translation, and linguistics.

More Information


Universidad de Antioquia | Vigilada Mineducación | Acreditación institucional hasta el 2033 | NIT 890980040-8
Recepción de correspondencia: calle 70 No. 52 - 21 | Apartado Aéreo 1226 | Dirección: calle 67 No. 53 - 108 | Horario de atención
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