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domingo, 28 de abril 2024

Research group


Health Promotion

Academic Unit: Faculty of Nursing

Colombian Ministry of Science








Medical and health sciences


Health sciences

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Strategic Focus

Consolidation of local, regional, national, and international health promotion networks.

Strengthening of the epistemological, theoretical, and practical constituents of Health Promotion.

Consolidation of theories, methodologies, and practices for health education.

Development of knowledge on health and cultural diversity approaches.

Research Areas and Topics

  • Education for health.
  • Health and cultural diversity.
  • Theory and practice of health promotion.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Group Coordinator

María Eugenia Hincapié Zapata

Master’s degree in Epidemiology.
CES University, Colombia.

Group Coordinator Email


Scientific Cooperation

Collaborative Relationships

  • Red Iberoamericana de investigación en Educación en Enfermería (Ibero-American Network of Nursing Education Research). 
  • ICFES.
  • Governor’s Office of Antioquia.
  • Sectional Secretary of Health and Social Protection – Governor’s Office of Antioquia.
  • Organización indígena de Antioquia (Indigenous Organization of Antioquia).
  • Mayor’s Office of Medellin.
  • Secretary of Health – Mayor’s Office of Medellin.

Notable Projects

  • Indicadores positivos en promoción de la salud (Positive indicators in health promotion).
  • Comportamiento reproductivo de la población afrodescendiente de Buchadó (Vigía del Fuerte) y Villa Arabia (Caucasia) del departamento de Antioquia, Colombia (Reproductive behavior of the afro-descendant population of Buchadó (Vigía del Fuerte) and Villa Arabia (Caucasia), from the Department of Antioquia, Colombia).
  • Saberes disciplinares, saberes pedagógicos y aprendizaje situado: génesis e influencias mutuas en la enseñanza universitaria. Medellín, Colombia (Disciplinary knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and situated knowledge: their origin and mutual influences in university education. Medellin, Colombia).
  • Investigación acción participativa: una propuesta educativa para mejorar la práctica de la lactancia materna exclusiva en una Unidad Hospitalaria de la red de Metrosalud, Medellín (Participative action research: An educational proposal for the improvement of the practice of exclusive maternal lactancy in a Hospital Unit of the Metrosalud network, Medellin).

Main Research Results

  • Tendencias de evaluación en Promoción de la Salud. Actualización del debate en la década 2005-2015 (Assessment tendencies in Health Promotion. An update on the debate during the decade of 2005 - 2015). DOI: 10.17151/hpsal.2019.24.1.11
  • Significados de la maternidad para un grupo de mujeres afrodescendientes (Meanings of motherhood for an afro-descendant women group) Available at: https://bit.ly/3dXUDP0
  • Educación para la Lactancia Materna. Una propuesta pedagógica (Education for Maternal Lactancy. A pedagogical proposal) ISBN: 978-958-714-731-5. Universidad de Antioquia Publishing House.
  • Sentidos construidos frente a la educación para la salud en estudiantes, docentes y egresados de programas de educación superior del área de la salud (Constructed meanings on education for health in students, teachers, and graduates from health-related university programs). DOI: 10.17533/udea.penh.v18n1a05

Research Portafolio

  • Consulting on health promotion programs, education for health, and cultural diversity.
  • Systematization of experiences.
  • Assessment in health promotion.
  • Differential ethnic-racial approach.
  • Education for health.
  • Health and cultural diversity.
  • Theory and practice of health promotion.

More Information


Universidad de Antioquia | Vigilada Mineducación | Acreditación institucional hasta el 2033 | NIT 890980040-8
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