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Abstract Submission

The Organizing Committee of ICAME-2023 is glad to announce the opening for the abstract submission process

To submit your abstract please use the Abstract Submission Form here.

Abstract submission guidelines:

The presenting author must be a paid registrant at the Conference. Since the abstracts will be directly reproduced in a volume to be distributed to the attendees, please carefully follow the template file and the following instructions.

Only abstracts in Microsoft Word format derived from ICAME2023_AbstractTemplate.doc will be accepted. Please download the abstract template here:

Download abstract template

Please rename the abstract template as ICAME2023_Abstract_SURNAME.doc, with surname in capital letters. Submit all abstracts electronically to the e-mail address: icame2023@udea.edu.co. Abstracts sent via fax, or regular mail will not be processed or acknowledged.

Abstract must be written in English.

The abstract must provide a concise statement of objectives and summary of important results and can include figures and tables.

The abstract must not exceed a single letter-size page (21.59 cm width and 27.94 cm lenght).

Please provide the following information during the e-mail submission:

  • Applicable Topic
  • Preferred mode of presentation (oral or poster)
  • Full title
  • Full name, affiliation and e-mail of the corresponding author
  • Full names of the co-authors
  • Online or face-to-face presentation


If you have any question about the online abstract submission procedure, please contact the Organizing Secretariat at: icame2023@udea.edu.co

Acknowledgment of your submission will be sent via e-mail.

Abstract acceptance will be announced via e-mail by May 01, 2023.