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martes, 23 de abril 2024

Research group


Pedagogy and Cultural Diversity DIVERSER

Academic Unit: Faculty of Education

Colombian Ministry of Science








Social sciences


Educational sciences

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Strategic Focus

To broaden the comprehensive framework of pedagogies, epistemes and policies based on the interaction and study of culture in relation to education, health, art, symbolic systems, gender, violence and teacher training.    

To conduct own and intercultural research with people and groups from ethnic, rural, mestizo, urban, migrant, and diverse sexual and religious communities.

Research Areas and Topics

  • School cultures and school violence-bullying.
  • Intercultural Studies.
  • Studies on creativity and exceptionality.
  • Education in research culture.
  • Gender and Education.
  • Play, Art, and Education.
  • Pedagogy, cultural diversity, and teacher education.
  • Pedagogy, symbolic systems, and cultural diversity.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Group Coordinator

Natalia Duque Cardona, Ph.D.

Ph.D. in Human and Social Sciences.

Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Research Group Email


Scientific Cooperation

Collaborative Relationships

  • History of Preschool, Early Childhood, and Pre-school Education Network (RHEPI), State University Midwest (Guarapuava, Brazil).
  • Agreement with the Institute for Research, Development, and Evaluation of the Berna Pedagogical University (Switzerland). Global Education/Planetary Pedagogy and Social Space: A Collaborative Relationship between Switzerland and Colombia. International Project.
  • Indigenous Organization of Antioquia – (OIA).
  • Governor’s Office of Antioquia.
  • Mayor’s Office of Medellin.
  • Psychology, Health, and Society Research Group (CES University).
  • National School Anti-Bullying Network.

Notable Projects

  • Global Education/Planetary pedagogy and social space. A collaborative relationship between Switzerland and Colombia (Since 2017).
  • The impact of the library on social inequalities: The case of the Public Library System of Medellín as of Agreement 079 of 2010.
  • Mother Earth Pedagogy Bachelor’s Degree Project.
  • Evaluation of access and permanence in the University of Antioquia of young people with experience in programs of appropriation of Science, Technology and Innovation (2016).

Main Research Results

  • Design of intercultural competencies in the framework of a planetary pedagogy for the teaching of social sciences. 
  • Estamos Aquí Y Hacemos Ciudad. Experiencias Y Retos Afrocolombianos Para Un Reconocimiento Incluyente (We are here and we build the city. Afro-Colombian experiences and challenges for an inclusive recognition).
  • Colombia, 2012, ISBN: 978-958-8749-33-4 vol: 1000 pages: 50, Ed. Mayor’s Office of Medellin Authors: LUIS FERNANDO ESTRADA ESCOBAR, HILDA MAR RODRIGUEZ GOMEZ.
  • Disertaciones acerca de la biblioteca escolar Colombia (Dissertations about the Colombian school library), 2018, ISBN: 978-958-8990-08-8 vol: 1000 pages: , Ed. Biblioteca Pública Piloto (Pilot Public Library) Autores: NATALIA DUQUE CARDONA, KARLA SALAZAR CANO, HERNAN ALONSO MUNOZ VELEZ, LUZ NIYERETH VASQUEZ ACEVEDO, MARCELA VELASQUEZ GUIRAL.

Research Portafolio

  • At the undergraduate level, we support the design and development of ancestral-based and intercultural education processes for indigenous and diverse populations.
  • Bachelor's Degree in Mother Earth Pedagogy.
  • In postgraduate studies, we created three research areas of the Master's in Education: Pedagogy and Cultural Diversity, Democracy and school coexistence, and Pedagogy and Cultural Diversity-Mother Earth Group.
  • We created the research area of Intercultural Studies in the PhD in Education.
  • We offer specialized expert advice, training and research in gender and education, interculturality, pedagogy and cultural diversity, art and education, education in research culture, school coexistence, and teacher education.

More Information


Universidad de Antioquia | Vigilada Mineducación | Acreditación institucional hasta el 2033 | NIT 890980040-8
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