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sábado, 11 de mayo 2024



Cannabidiol: study of analgesic activity

During this Master Class, you will discover why cannabis has become an attractive option for scientific research. Professor Dora Benjumea Gutiérrez will guide you through the historical knowledge of its use in traditional medicine and explain how cannabis has the ability to modulate various functions of our body through the endocannabinoid system, thus providing benefits in the treatment of certain diseases.   

You will learn about research that has led to treatments approved by health authorities for conditions such as seizures, nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy, decreased appetite, and weight loss in people with HIV/AIDS, and pain relief in patients with multiple sclerosis.  

In addition, you will understand why the study of chronic pain is crucial in the field of medicine, since this condition is one of the main reasons for medical consultation worldwide and has become a public health problem, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Because, in some situations, traditional medications are not enough, due to the lack of understanding of the mechanisms involved in chronic pain conditions, Professor Dora Benjumea will delve into the classification of seven types of this pain and will provide a detailed analysis of the underlying causes of each one of them.  

This class is aimed at students, graduates and healthcare practitioners or anyone interested in expanding their knowledge in the life and health sciences. 


Dora María Benjumea Gutiérrez has been a professor at Universidad de Antioquia since 2008.  Technologist in Pharmacy Management from Universidad de Antioquia. Pharmaceutical Chemist from Universidad de Antioquia. PhD in Basic Biomedical Sciences from Universidad de La Laguna, Spain. Senior Researcher of the research group Toxinology, Therapeutic and Food Alternatives of the School of Pharmaceutical and Food Sciences.

Complementary academic material:

  1. Evaluation of the Analgesic Effect of High-Cannabidiol-Content Cannabis Extracts in Different Pain Models by Using Polymeric Micelles as Vehicles.
  2. "Todo lo que querías saber sobre el cannabis y no te atrevías a preguntar"  
  3. Cannabis: fúmese bajo su propio riesgo
  4. "Hablemos de cannabis medicinal"  
  5. Cannabis, una oportunidad para su uso medicinal e industria
  6. Todo tiene que ver con todo: Cannabis y su uso medicinal e industrial 
  7. Tardes de ciencia "Hablemos de cannabis”

Online Course: "Principios del uso medicinal del cannabis" https://udearroba.udea.edu.co/externos/course/view.php?id=406


Cannabis, cannabidiol, health, natural medicine, pharmacology, life.   



Contact information:   


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